The thought actually triggers my gag reflex.
I could never ever put myself in the position of village idoit ever again!!
i could never understand why some people who know the truth about the "truth" ever go back.
once you understand all the hypocrisy and negatives, i would think it's almost impossible to go back!.
The thought actually triggers my gag reflex.
I could never ever put myself in the position of village idoit ever again!!
hi, everyone.. i haven't posted here much in quite a while, but having just been laid low by injury, i'll likely be a frequent visitor for some time to come!.
two weeks ago, i was involved in a workplace accident that left me with my lower l.h.
leg fractured in three places (the tibia and fibular both broken clean through, plus another crack in the "neck" of the fibular for good measure!
Sounds a lot like my sons injuries. He was in a motorcycle accident a couple of weeks ago and fractured both his tibia and fibula on one leg and several tears of ligaments on the other. He also got the rod driven down the tibia and will have months of no weight bearing on either leg.
I know you pain:( My son was telling me those kayaking commercials never looked so good now that he can only go from his bed to his wheelchair.
I wish you a speedy recovery!
day two (wednesday 8 february 2017).
see also posts and threads regarding: pre-trial / day one / day one update / day five (last day, settlement).
jefferson: not totally.. zeff: okay.
Thank you so much for filling us all in on what happened in the courtroom John Redwood.
I hope Fessler is able to start the healing process knowing she won't have to deal with those WT lawyers anymore. I'm really happy for her.
I'm pretty sure if it would have went to a jury to decide the WT would be paying hugely *voice of creepy Trump*!! But then she would have to go through the years of appeals which keeps it going on and on. I wish her all the best.
as a parent, if it was my kid i would go straight to the police and or beat the living shit out of the perpetrator.
were all these parents of the victims brain dead or that indoctrinated?.
As a parent that has been in that situation I'll tell you that your natural reactions are muffled the moment you make that call to the elders...which by the way, you will. It's what you've been taught it's what has been ingrained in your mind over and over again.
While we went against the grain and called the police first being the rebels we were (I guess) the moment the elders came into the picture we immediately knew we did the wrong thing, maybe not in words as much as in actions.
I will honestly admit shamefully at that point that I felt extremely guilty for doing the right thing. I knew at that moment I was choosing my child over my religion and I knew what that would lead to. It really was two deaths at the same time! Death of my child's innocence and death of my faith in the religion I had spent most of my life in.
The pain, tears, stress, and fight has been completely overwhelming at times, while I would never change the choices we made I can't judge those who didn't have the fight in them. It's hard to understand if you've never been in such a horrible situation.
news bulletin: fessler versus watchtower – opening statements and motions in jehovah’s witness child abuse trial – day 1. .
posted on february 12, 2017. city hall, philadelphia, pennsylvania.
on a cold philadelphia morning the 7th of february, 2017, stephanie fessler walked into the court of common pleas of pennsylvania, first judicial district, civil trial division.
Thank you for the update.
Sounds like this will be a really interesting case. I hope Stephanie Fessler is holding up well, I know how stressful these proceedings are.
stephanie fessler v watch tower.
stephanie fessler was brought up as a jehovah’s witness by her parents, jodee and kevin.
It's completely disgusting that the elders nor the parents reported this abuse!!
I understand the pressure they put on you is overwhelming...but where does common decency come in?? How does their so called high moral standards get ignored?
My thoughts are with Stephanie as she faces those who failed her in such a horrible way. My hopes are that her experience empowers her and she knows within herself no matter the outcome she is doing the right thing.
One step at a time, one case at a time... always remember we are not in a race but in a marathon. One day soon, changes will happen, not because they finally decided to do the right thing but because all those that have stood up and faced these abusers made them!
8 months df'd.
loving a life of freedom.
however, my family are all shunning me.
There really is no easy way to get through the shunning, its unnatural when you really think of it. I'm sorry your having to deal with this in your life.
Many of us have experience in this and have had different outcomes. My only advise would be is to protect your heart and the heart of your child.
Just remember you have control over what you allow in your life. If what they are doing is hurting you, you need to stop and protect yourself. In my experience once I stopped letting them control my feelings and started moving on with my life they caught on and eventually came around, not to the point they use to be but enough that we can be at peace and love one another in a new way.
I wish you well.
fyi from north-east england:.
jehovah's witness abused girls after luring them with video games, court told.
hey all,.
we have purchased a bunch of great books recently, and one of them is from author kyria abrahams called "i'm perfect, you're doomed".
i'm only 5 chapters in at this stage, but i just have to share that this is a great read!.
Loved this book as well!
it's heading towards $900,000 now..
I'm so with you on this subject because I have been there and I know how horrible it is.
I remember going rounds with posters on another forum just hoping they would understand just how horrible the child abuse issue is and how it effects those who have the misfortune of having it touch their lives personally. It was as if I was talking to a wall! My frustration went overboard to the point I started questioning myself. I finally realized I was not arguing or enlightening anyone on that forum they all knew the truth already. There were those who made it their job to try their best to make you feel stupid and unbelievable and then there were the majority of posters that could pretty much finish my sentences, always offering understanding and support.
It took a while but then I realized my voice was better put to use sharing my experience with anyone in the real world that would listen. I know for a fact that not one of my friends or neighbors not to mention my kids friends, workmates, classmates would ever give the JWs a chance!
We all can only do what we can and I truly respect the way you handle yourself against the attacks I see here. Never allow anyone to silence you, you never know who is reading here or how much they may need someone to understand how they feel.
stay strong,