I'm so confused by Shadow.
How does He/She not see what they are trying to do here?
Shortly after we found out our child was molested by a ex elder we attended a CA, mind you we were in a lot of emotional distress at the time. We actually were told by the elders that our child's molester who happened to be out of jail on bail before trial had every right to be at the assembly as we did. Imagine the knots in our stomach as we walked in to find our seats...it took everything we had to even drive to that assembly hall. Guess what we had in store to let us know how Jehovah was blessing our efforts? A nice talk given on the platform telling all that when we read negative news articles( happen to be about our case) to remember the media lies!! Our hearts sank, I could see the tears in my husbands eyes, we left that day knowing we could never be part of such a religion that would willfully kick victims while they are down ( no love )
Now tell me who was more dangerous to my family?
A pedophile and the organization that protected him....or satan?