Actually she does mention it if you click on "about Deborah".
i'm not sure if anyone has already posted this link or info on deborah frances white.
i just wanted to share for anyone interested in hearing her experience.
Actually she does mention it if you click on "about Deborah".
seems like jws in denmark are using a new tactic to reach people not at home - text messages.... http://www.gp.se/nyheter/v%c3%a4rlden/jehovas-vittnens-nya-knep-n%c3%a4r-folk-inte-%c3%b6ppnar-1.4153345.
it's in swedish but translates with google translate quite nicely..
I know round my way in the UK congregation members will text their calls and count them as RV's and even Bible Studies if there are enough of them (texts).
anyone else think it's wrong to ask a women with small children to volunteer there time, ask if they like to come to a potential study etc etc?.
my wife just spent an entire day helping with a kingdom hall reno while i babysat.
i latter stepped out and saw half the elders having coffee because they had so many people show up, they were tripping over each other.. i also have no idea what tangible skill my wife offered or why it is important she needs to be there.. i just wish these men would man up and be men, instead of just wasting everyone's time on purpose.
Ah ... the art of saying "NO".
I remember a few years back when my report dropped below the required level to run a microphone that two elders - including my group overseer "encouraged" me and said they would lift my burden by taking my KH assignments (microphone duty and sound desk duty) AKA "privileges" from me.
Two weeks later my group overseer asked if I could help with hall cleaning and I said that sorry but I no longer had "privileges".
He said that kingdom hall cleaning wasn't a part of "privileges" and that I could help out. (He said it like he was granting me a favour!)
He was most put out when I said "Sorry! If I can't lift a microphone, I can't lift a toilet cleaning brush either; find someone else, BROTHER!"
just been reminiscing about how c/a's have changed since we were young.
i remember when they started friday night in some rented hall , as well as the two weekend days.
saturday morning was a brief session then field ministry (which only a few performed ) and sunday sessions.. in the free time around the venue we just used to hang out socialising and eyeing up the girls.
I caught the tail end of feeding lines and rented halls and Friday night entertainment. And David Carter was a highlight as both a Cricuit and a District overseer in his heyday.
ok so there's no other jws in earshot and your on the ministry, the hh comes to the door, what would you say to them about jws if you could?.
would you explain why your there when you don't want to be?.
would you warn them about it being a cult?.
Even before I reduced my "ministry" to a once a month showing and a fake 2 or 3 hours on my report my door knocking went like this.
Look at NH slip (AKA S-8) and say there are 2 dozen NH's to do.
Choose first one and pretend to press bell. Wait about 30 seconds and pretend press again. If the first house is not home then I would leave it on the slip as a NH. I would also cross off a few of the NH's anyway to leave long walking gaps between.
Let's say I find someone who comes to the door.
If elderly I always said "Hello Sir/Madam, my name's (Freddo) and I live in the neighbourhood (might be five miles away but hey!) and I wanted to ask for some advice - do you think there will ever be a time when there will be no more war?
Obviously they will either say "Not interested" (Great!) or "No."
If they say "No." then I asked "Can you remember WW2?" and off they go. YAK YAK YAK. stand there for sometime talking about my Uncle Billy who was in the RAF or Uncle Stan who was in the Royal Navy and if I was lucky they'd talk about the "Blitz" by the Luftwaffe and I'd learn something about what it was like to grow up during the war.
More often than not though, out of 2 dozen NH's I would find one or two in and get "Go away" or "not interested", cross off about half the NH's anyway and hand them back to the territory chap a week or two later.
in 4 segments because won't post all.. .
segment 1. .
blondie’s comments on the february 12, 2017 wt study (november 2016) (minds on spirit).
Luke 12 v 16-21 Rich man and bigger stoehouses.
So WTS, you wouldn't be tearing down old KH's and bethels or selling them off and building flashier, unneeded ones in Warwick USA and Chelmsford UK would you?
i was at the meeting last night and the dreadful video about caleb and sparlock was forced upon the audience.
honestly, i had forgotten how bad it was.
the mother's manipulative over-reaction and caleb's acceptance that his toy was evil.
Here in the UK I have a pet theory about "this generation of women" - and I mean the great matriarchs (of so many jw families) that are very elderly or have passed away leaving dutiful sons and daughters as elders and "toy removing" finger wagging, stepford automatons.
They lived through WW2. Their fathers and husbands served in the war and the luftwaffe dropped bombs on their cities. They often lost a "loved one in death", they wondered about the churches' explanations and were ripe for those lovely pioneer ladies knocking on their doors as they sat at home with the babies and their husbands worked 48 hours a week to support them.
They and their kids had all the woe and doom reinforced in the 1960's with the Cuban missile crisis, the Cold war with nuclear weapons. Then mad Freddy came along with 1975 and "the generation" and they were locked in.
Their now adult kids (in the 1970's) became the elders that run the show today but who are themselves elderly and passing the mantle to elders in their late 30's through early fifties.
This new generation is (in organisational terms) weaker and flakier. Their wives can't or won't put up with the dutiful existence of their mothers and grandmothers and show signs of mental ill-health and anxiety.
In short the KH's in the UK are less full of the determined and dutiful and more full of the desperate, the depressed, the deluded and the dying.
Any others who stay are going to concerts or camping or cruising or carousing and are careful not to lose their family.
some people like to believe in something others believe in nothing; so in what location did the substance that expanded into the time/space universe exist before the big bang?
where did the energy that caused the big band come from?
how did the substance that became the big bang change from being inert and sterile and come to life to having the properties and drive that it does?
I sometimes wonder if "life" has simply always been. Not an all powerful creator, but just life in some form. If there is/was an all powerful creator then I do not believe it has any interest in humans or other inhabitants on Earth beyond - at the very most - an observational, hands completely off interest.
I certainly do not believe it wants to be worshipped and that it would reward those that do.
If it did want to be worshipped in the jw way and would reward those that do in the jw way then I see little point for within a month, or a year or ten years or one hundred years or whenever I or more importantly a loved one would upset it or its "appointed representatives and get zapped.
Over all I don't know and don't mind really. I'm content to take what I have and enjoy it and help my family and others along the way.
Shrugs and reaches for an early morning coffee glad not to be dancing to the "must go on the Saturday morning "ministry"" (cart minding/not homes/no thank yous) tune.
i was at the meeting last night and the dreadful video about caleb and sparlock was forced upon the audience.
honestly, i had forgotten how bad it was.
the mother's manipulative over-reaction and caleb's acceptance that his toy was evil.
Went to my first mid-week meeting this year (2017) and knew this was coming down the pipe. Usual low attendance of about 50 out of 75.
They actually clapped at the end of the video! I couldn't believe it.
A "brother" (awake like me) said to me afterwards that if anyone from outside came and saw this they'd think we were completely nuts.
i'm not sure if anyone has already posted this link or info on deborah frances white.
i just wanted to share for anyone interested in hearing her experience.
"When do other.panel members get to speak?"
This video has been put up in another thread recently. DF/W gets about 18 minutes and in the other thread (which I cannot locate I'm afraid) there are similar amounts of time for all the other panel members. It is a good listen if you can cope with the British accents!