Do you really need an intimate relationship right now?
Have you got a full time job (or two/three part time jobs that pay full time money)? No? Get one. Yes? Great.
Find warm clean digs and move in. Eat breakfast, make a packed lunch, go to work, come home, eat a meal, watch some TV, post on here and learn learn learn about the JW religion; go to bed. Rinse repeat.
At the weekend go shopping, walking, exercise, something cheap. Go home, eat a meal, read a book, study something to "improve" yourself and make yourself a better worker, feel more self assured, whatever floats your boat.
Do the above for six months and save every dime you can. Look at your co-workers and ask which ones seem contented and stable - accept or initiate some social activity with them.
At the end of that time you will be in the height of summer, can enjoy the fruits of your hard work and think about what to do next.
Post often and chat to us when you feel lonely! Keep toxic people out of your life.