Next week's article contains the following "experience" to encourage us:
"I didn't let my illness stop my ministry!!!" says Sister Irone Lungg
Sister Lungg was a top level dancer* who suffered life changing injuries as a young woman. "The most important thing to me wasn't worrying about being in an iron lung for the next sixty years but how I was going to continue my ministry, what with the end being so close and all."
And of course back then in 1955 Iron Lungs weren't as comfy as nowadays so when my pioneer partner wheeled me from door to door and kept the pressure up with a set of foot bellows I could feel every jolt from the cobblestone pavements.
But everyone listened intently! I cannot imagine why! If you had someone on a gurney in a big metal tube turn up on your doorstep would you have listened? Probably not so it must have been due to Jehovah's intervention on my behalf!
Nowadays I have the Mk 3 Iron Lung which is so much easier as it has rubber wheels and suspension so I can stay out in the ministry longer! How I thank Jehovah for how he has blessed me and now that soon, very soon* I will leap like the Hart and dance like the Gazelle on Hebron's dewy slopes in paradise!"
When we consider Sister Lungg's experience doesn't it make us even more determined to give of our utmost in Jehovah's service - whether that is our ministry or our donations or building a new headquarters in War-Wick?
*Some facts have been changed.