Thought provoking post, thanks.
I have considered both sides of this and believe that if the Russian (or any other) government had the time and inclination then they should not ban JW's but tie them up tight financially as in no tax breaks and no siphoning money to New York and expose their wackier beliefs in Pravda or whatever has superceded it for ridicule. Maybe tighten legislation on blood and penalise them for shunning - but how I just don't know.
IMO the only government that can affect JW's is the US government but sadly there are proportionately more religious nutters with their own agendas in the US government than in any other "western" power.
If Trump and Co. attacked WT's property and money and grilled the GB on the stand like Australia managed to do with Jacko at the ARC then the GB would soon dance to their merry tune. Trouble is JW's are insignificant to most governments. No votes, no use, no help, no power, no nothing really.