I believe it is as much a "keep 'em busy" and "distracted" tactic as anything else.
All the weak minded will be hyped up and coming to the memorial thinking that the "end is nigh".
what i don't get about the russian petition action:.
watchtower launched at march, 21 the petition action.. in the instructions they write it can take 14 days for postal arrival in russia.. on april, 5 they expect legal clarification from the supreme court.. so, conclusion: the letters will arrive just around the day of clarification.. conclusion: this action is planned for media impact only.
if it was to make judges think, (what they don't do on a petition cry), .
I believe it is as much a "keep 'em busy" and "distracted" tactic as anything else.
All the weak minded will be hyped up and coming to the memorial thinking that the "end is nigh".
I love the second picture with what looks like a typical UK kingdom hall chair sat all alone up front ...
the study was on how wt has refined itself over the years by ceasing celebrations of christmas etc.. paragraph 11.
11 what a fine example those faithful bible students set for us!
reflecting on their example, we do well to ask ourselves: ‘how do i view the direction we receive from headquarters?
Our Father, which aren't in heaven,
Headquarters be thy name,
Thy Kingdom Hall be sold,
Thy will including
a bequest to Watchtower be done,
Give us, Flodin, our daily bread,
And forgive us our false teachings,
as we never forgive others,
And lead us not before the Australian Royal Commission,
But deliver us from Putin,
The Power and the Money, forever and ever ...
글쓴이: 류비 / 시간: 목, 03/30/2017 - 14:48. .
hi, i want to leave my personal opinion on the matter of russian government's banning on the activity of jehovah's witnesses in their territory.
i think it's more or less important because bearing a certain opinion is related with the quality of life.
Thought provoking post, thanks.
I have considered both sides of this and believe that if the Russian (or any other) government had the time and inclination then they should not ban JW's but tie them up tight financially as in no tax breaks and no siphoning money to New York and expose their wackier beliefs in Pravda or whatever has superceded it for ridicule. Maybe tighten legislation on blood and penalise them for shunning - but how I just don't know.
IMO the only government that can affect JW's is the US government but sadly there are proportionately more religious nutters with their own agendas in the US government than in any other "western" power.
If Trump and Co. attacked WT's property and money and grilled the GB on the stand like Australia managed to do with Jacko at the ARC then the GB would soon dance to their merry tune. Trouble is JW's are insignificant to most governments. No votes, no use, no help, no power, no nothing really.
i've seen this in a few posts and not sure what it means.
:) please help..
"Crappy Lives And Misery"
i refer to the thread started by nikl quoting the daily text.
in which the comment said:.
kindness can help you to deal with a conflict of loyalties.. can anyone here (or there), give a verifiable example of when watchtower corporation has ever shown 'kindness' when it wasn't for some selfish gain?.
Yes of course I can! Ummm ... errrr .... hmmmmm .... let me think...
Gulp. Actually I mean no.
i noticed a recent commenter mention an assembly that had only one baptism, a born in.
the last assembly i went to had three baptisms, of which two were born ins.
could part of the motivation for youth baptism be to avoid the embarrassment of an assembly with no baptisms at all?
We had a zero baptisms in the other half of my circuit for an assembly attendance of about 1000 in 2015.
My half circuit assembly produced 4 baptisms from 880 attending earlier this month.
So I make that less than 0.5% here in my part of the UK.
lately my mom's gotten into all kinds of weird "power of positive thinking" kind of stuff.
she watches "the secret" and bob proctor videos all the time, and now she's trying to get me into it.
to me her being into this sort of thing seems kind of hypocritical.
I remember my Aunt telling off her self righteous Elder (as in he was an Elder) son. (my cousin)
In the UK the longest running (since 1960) and one of the most popular TV "soaps" is "Coronation Street" a gossipy load of nonsense set about folk living in a terrace of houses in the North of England.
My Aunt was an avid watcher and follower of storylines despite being a devout JW.
Well in the 80's and 90's one of the pet peeves of the GB was "TV soaps" and occasionally we would get an assembly item or Watchtower study haranguing the faithful not to watch such "worldly" entertainment.
My cousin being a self righteous prig would wag his finger at her in a semi jocular fashion until she told him that A) He wasn't her spiritual head and B) when he stopped watching James Bond "with all its sex and violence" then he might have freeness of speech to come and speak to her."
for those not aware:- during the circuit visit there is a meeting with elders &ministerial servants based on an outline.
the mss are dismissed then local matters (eg new elders, meeting attendance etc) are discussed.
recently there has also been a part of the outline just for elders - one year it was about stopping anyone dressing in a "gender blurring" way from going on the ministry.. the latest visit has a section of the outline for elders.
Thanks Saltheart.
What was the MS outline about this time?
i have been told that there is to be a special talk linked via video hook up all around australia this saturday april 1st?
a 3 hour program apparently?.
someone said it was a governing body speaker?.
Probably Geoff Jackson explaining why he couldn't appear before the ARC and how O'Brien and Spinks are going to take the lead in outer Fumbuck, Papua New Guinea.
Oh. And send your dollars.