Those I grew up with ...
Didn't get baptised and left by age 18 in the late 1970's/early 80's - I can count 3 girls and 5 boys of those I believe 2 of the girls are steady married women, one with grandchildren in their late 50's. 1 girl is a "spinster" who lives with her JW sister.
Of the boys who left.
1 is dead. 1 is a grandfather. 1 is a family man who runs a small successful plumbing business - saw him at a funeral with his family. 1 is DF'd but married with a young daughter. 1 moved to the USA and became a mental health nurse.
2 girls - 1 is a widow DF'd and came back. 1 is divorced DF'd and came back. Probably thought of as "weak" in judgmental JW land.
2 more girls - both in and "strong" - one married to an elder, one married to an ex elder.
4 boys. 1 ex-Elder - divorced and remarried "weak". 1 ex-MS (in for family) "weak". 1 MS divorced and remarried but in. 1 drifted into inactivity after divorce.
Me ... ex elder - in for family.
Not exactly a ringing endorsement of JW land is it?