So sorry to hear about your baby, Darkknight. Humbled that you can share with us.
Please accept my heartfelt condolences. Rooting for Twin "A"!
last week we had a reassurance ultrasound with our ob.
she was just supposed to check heartbeats on the two little ones and they were going strong!
but because she had extra time and she can be quite anal about her work (which is a good thing) she decided to take some measurements.
So sorry to hear about your baby, Darkknight. Humbled that you can share with us.
Please accept my heartfelt condolences. Rooting for Twin "A"!
just started getting on instant messaging platforms an audio clip having rev dr giles fraser talking about the russian ban on jws.. this is very similar to the post on guardian.
discussed here:
link to the 3 minute audio clip:
BBC Radio 4 is the "flagship" BBC national radio programme in the UK.
bra april 19, 2017 to all congregations re: branch relocation visitor centre.
visitor information sheet.
I'd rather stick pins in my eyes.
Note the use of "thrilling" and "another treat".
Stick on a suit, sit in a coach and drive over 200 miles to watch where the self-important parrots will live in their gilded cage.
Oh, and don't forget to contribute.
april 19, 2017 to all bodies of elders and ministerial servants re: kingdom ministry school for the 2018 service year.
End of Monday Session
"Keep Pace With Spiritual Enlightenment."
AKA "Suck it up and obey because we've moved the goalposts boys ..."
End of Thursday
"Safeguarding the Cleanliness of the Congregation"
AKA "Kick out any who don't worship the Governing Body."
just started getting on instant messaging platforms an audio clip having rev dr giles fraser talking about the russian ban on jws.. this is very similar to the post on guardian.
discussed here:
link to the 3 minute audio clip:
It certainly messes with JW heads!
A "Babylon the Great" minister defending them and doing a better job of it than by instructing your minions to post a gazillion letters to Putin.
how many in your age group are still jehovahs witnesses?
from where we are at, there aren't many left.
each year it gets smaller and smaller haha .
Those I grew up with ...
Didn't get baptised and left by age 18 in the late 1970's/early 80's - I can count 3 girls and 5 boys of those I believe 2 of the girls are steady married women, one with grandchildren in their late 50's. 1 girl is a "spinster" who lives with her JW sister.
Of the boys who left.
1 is dead. 1 is a grandfather. 1 is a family man who runs a small successful plumbing business - saw him at a funeral with his family. 1 is DF'd but married with a young daughter. 1 moved to the USA and became a mental health nurse.
2 girls - 1 is a widow DF'd and came back. 1 is divorced DF'd and came back. Probably thought of as "weak" in judgmental JW land.
2 more girls - both in and "strong" - one married to an elder, one married to an ex elder.
4 boys. 1 ex-Elder - divorced and remarried "weak". 1 ex-MS (in for family) "weak". 1 MS divorced and remarried but in. 1 drifted into inactivity after divorce.
Me ... ex elder - in for family.
Not exactly a ringing endorsement of JW land is it?
next weeks watchtower.
'who is leading god's people today' is quite incredible.
i am so looking forward to blondie's comments on this one.
I'm not going to the meeting this coming Sunday. I have a headache coming on on Sunday.
rare film footage of people and life in folkestone uk from 1904. some of the scenes are too brief but there is some excellent footage of people leaving church and later people promenading on the boardwalk by the sea..
I'm not too familiar with Folkestone except the docks when using it to take a car across to France before the Channel Tunnel was built in the 1990's.
However - all popular seaside towns in England had/have a similar feel to them - piers, attractions, bathing costumes etc. Edwardian England up to WW1 was the heyday.
The poster for Japan/Russia caught my eye and I did a bit of googling on the rest.
As you state - on the Youtube version it notes somewhere that the background noise has been added and that the speed made more realistic (otherwise I guess everyone would be walking at 5 mph!)
So the original - as all films back then were - was silent.
rare film footage of people and life in folkestone uk from 1904. some of the scenes are too brief but there is some excellent footage of people leaving church and later people promenading on the boardwalk by the sea..
It seems 1904 is pretty close. At about 0:35 there is a poster outside the Police Station with the headlines JAPAN and RUSSIA in bold underneath.
There was a major war between Japan and Russia in 1904 and 1905 when the Japanese blockaded and defeated the Russian Navy at Port Arthur Manchuria.
Also the switchback/roller coaster shown at the end was designed by an American called Thompson who patented gravity switchback rides (early roller coaster) famously at Coney Island, New York and throughout Europe.
The one at Folkestone was built/opened in about 1888 - 1891 and closed in 1919/20.
The open topped car/bus/coach (shown with its very early number plate D285 ) - an early form of charabanc - also fits the Edwardian timescale.
The swimwear seems a little less cumbersome than the Victorian era too and fits in with the Edwardian (1901 - 1910) period.
Looks as though 1904 is spot on to me.
i'm really interested in this question because i've heard for years that if you forgo further education and go pioneering, when you have a family down the track you will get a good job because jehovah will provide for you because you pioneered.
as long as i was a kool-aid drinker, even then, i thought, "how does pioneering pay your bills?
surely education should come first.
Copy and paste from one of my posts. ...
"Hello and welcome!" to Someguywhocares from Freddo in the UK.
1. Fascinating post - welcome to the forum; I for one am glad you care enough to join.
2. For those of us with less of an I.Q. and not having the attention span to benefit from such meticulous attention to detail, please reduce your posts to a more manageable level.
3. I am so sorry to hear of your physical condition, especially at such a young age - please do all you can to ameliorate it and take care of yourself. That sounds trite. Its not meant to be.
4. Looking forward to seeing more of your posts.