A good balanced decision by the judge.
Posts by freddo
UK Child banned from seeing JW videos
by usualusername1 inhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/06/11/jehovahs-witness-agrees-not-show-son-religious-cartoons-risk/.
Sudden General Election in UK to be held June 8th 2017
by freddo intheresa may the british p.m. has called for an election.. the house of commons has to vote tomorrow and have a two-thirds majority to agree and the main opposition parties want it to happen too so it looks pretty certain to go ahead..
The SNP got 7 MP's in the first 1974 election and 11 in the October 1974 election ...
Not that well considering oily stuff was pouring in from the North Sea.
Sudden General Election in UK to be held June 8th 2017
by freddo intheresa may the british p.m. has called for an election.. the house of commons has to vote tomorrow and have a two-thirds majority to agree and the main opposition parties want it to happen too so it looks pretty certain to go ahead..
Nicola "nice legs shame about the face" Sturgeon is deluded. Too many Scots are fed up with her and she hit the high water mark in 2015 and she is now on the slide downhill.
There won't be a "Neverendum" for Scottish independance within 5 years. As Brenda from Bristol famously said when "Maybe" called this ill fated general election - "Not another one!"
Scotland has Tourism, makes fine whisky and has Haggis hunting in due season along with a bit of traditional Mars Bar frying. Rejoice over that and enjoy life.
No Divine Protection in Kingdom Halls.
by Tony Browning insad case in honington, devon, uk.. http://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/man-charged-with-murder-over-stabbing-at-jehovah-s-witness-hall/story-30378569-detail/story.html.
So the arrested man is named as "Keith Beviss" (aged 55 or 54 depending upon which article I read) from Honiton who from the artist's court sketch looks like a non-descript overweight balding white man that I would pass in the street without a second glance.
A couple of the articles mention that one line of enquiry is a religious hate crime and another article mentions that one nearby interviewed shop worker said that they had noted several with mental health problems in Honiton since moving to the area.
My take on this is that Honiton is a "sleepy" market town that is unlikely to have any terrorist knifings such as from extreme Muslims. (If there were I believe it would be in the main shopping area where more people could be found to attack.)
I suppose it could be a burglary and that the alarm was set off and the installer went to investigate but the distance from Westward Ho! (where Philip Ryan's business was based) to Honiton is at least 50 miles so I cannot see it being an alarm going off and the perpetrator being disturbed.
So I lean towards mental health issues. The fact that the arrested man seemed to still be in the area and there was no apparent police hunt makes me wonder whether there was an altercation ending in a stabbing and whether the man himself called the authorities or waited around (a camper van was mentioned) and gave himself up.
But I do wonder if this is a random chance occurrence (wrong place, wrong time) or whether it might have been exacerbated by unhappy dealings between Keith Beviss and Jehovah's Witnesses. But as Philip Ryan was an elder in a different part of the county I doubt if the two were known to each other.
Who knows at this stage?
Hold The Front Page! JWs Fold in Port Dover
by darkspilver inyes, it was front page news in simcoe...... .
You want me to help with Kingdom Hall maintenance brother?
No thanks - that would like be polishing the brass on the Titanic.
Sudden General Election in UK to be held June 8th 2017
by freddo intheresa may the british p.m. has called for an election.. the house of commons has to vote tomorrow and have a two-thirds majority to agree and the main opposition parties want it to happen too so it looks pretty certain to go ahead..
*dumb American scratches head*
You're not so dumb Grreat Teacher - your post is pretty much on the money. I would just add that Theresa May thought she could get a large majority - and when she called an election at Easter I too thought that she probably would.
*dumb Englishman gets it wrong*
Sudden General Election in UK to be held June 8th 2017
by freddo intheresa may the british p.m. has called for an election.. the house of commons has to vote tomorrow and have a two-thirds majority to agree and the main opposition parties want it to happen too so it looks pretty certain to go ahead..
Being English I do not have a strong view about what the Scots do in Scotland - but whereas Kansas is intrinsically part of the USA, Scotland is a country in its own right.
Perhaps Alaska voting to leave the U.S. would be a more appropriate analogy?
"How do you know that A Watcher?"
God sent an angel to tell him.
Sudden General Election in UK to be held June 8th 2017
by freddo intheresa may the british p.m. has called for an election.. the house of commons has to vote tomorrow and have a two-thirds majority to agree and the main opposition parties want it to happen too so it looks pretty certain to go ahead..
Bump ...
TODAY'S the day. Quite a flow of water under the bridge since Easter.
Wonder if any of our predictions will come good?
Isn't there a better way
by FedUpJW injust got done clicking streets signs, store fronts, vehicles, mountains, and roads capcha squares.
and yes, i clicked what was requested.
each time i login i get one or two more capcha challenges added to the number.. isn't there a better way to login?.
Blood card scan?
Appreciate the forum Simon and Angharad!