Old boy in my hall who passed away about ten years ago and who became a jw quite late in life - in his seventies I think - was a WW2 army veteran.
In the UK there is the British Legion which is a charity mostly linked with the "poppy" appeal and which looks after servicemen in their time of need.
He was a wily old bird and happily accepted handrails being installed and cash payments for things he "qualified for" such as a comfier mattress etc.
He never really got the army out of his system and if I went to visit on a Saturday after the ministry he often would get his campaign medals out and start yacking about "the war".
Funnily enough there was another younger guy who was in the British Army in the 1970's in Northern Ireland who got blown up by the I.R.A. and had alcohol and mental problems (not surprising really) before being a JW and he would tell me how the first veteran spent his army life as a stores clerk and never saw any action.
It was quite funny really where the WW2 guy felt his six years outweighed the other guys two years and invaliding out. They would often needle each other.
Both dead and gone waiting for Armageddon - hey ho.