And as the 1970's progressed into the 1980's we all "knew" that "the generation" was getting along in years and so subconsciously 1975 mattered less.
Then in 1984 we had the elderly bethelites depicted on the front cover of the May 15th 1984 WT with the proclamation of "1914 - The Generation That Will Not Pass Away."
With comments such as the preaching work being completed in our 20th century (then changed on the CD-Rom) and this doozy from the 1971 "Know Jehovah" book. - still to be found on the 2014 CD-Rom.
*** kj chap. 12 p. 216 par. 9 “Until He Comes Who Has the Legal Right” ***
Shortly, within our twentieth century, the “battle in the day of Jehovah” will begin against the modern antitype of Jerusalem, Christendom.
We were like the frog in the pan - warmed to boiling over 20 years. Then in 1995 it all came crashing down and now Armageddon overlaps and drifts but is of course imminent!