Posts by freddo
The saddest song of all time?
by Bad_Wolf ini would pick this one
i don't know how so many are happy or fine if thinking this life is it.
haven't lost parents yet, but when with them, sometimes i'll think of this song.
Can't find "hot" article through the WT Library Search?
by StephaneLaliberte ini just saw a video from mike and kim where (@6:00) she says:.
you know what i noticed in the new watchtower cd-roms?
is when you do a search for certain things that they would deem maybe apostates or certain questions, you can't find them in the search.. i know that sometimes, they get carried away and are not always factual.
"You can search with "pi*atas" or "pi*ata""
Oh yeah! Thanks.
Can't find "hot" article through the WT Library Search?
by StephaneLaliberte ini just saw a video from mike and kim where (@6:00) she says:.
you know what i noticed in the new watchtower cd-roms?
is when you do a search for certain things that they would deem maybe apostates or certain questions, you can't find them in the search.. i know that sometimes, they get carried away and are not always factual.
I know that if you search for the article on the pinata and the question from readers about why pinatas are ok but not other celebrations you get nothing if you don't put the accent thingummy above the "n" it doesn't show.
This one ... italics mine.
Piñatas I read with interest the article “The Piñata—An Ancient Tradition.” (September 22, 2003) It left me with some questions. The ties to false religion are well-documented. But the article seemed to take the position that as long as it doesn’t bother someone’s conscience, it is OK. What about birthdays and holidays such as Christmas?
S. W., United States
“Awake!” responds: Christians refrain from any celebrations or customs that continue to involve false religious beliefs or activities that violate Bible principles. For example, the Bible definitely puts birthday celebrations in a bad light. (Genesis 40:20; Matthew 14:6-10) However, if it is very obvious that a custom has no current false religious significance and involves no violation of Bible principles, each Christian must make a personal decision as to whether he will follow such a custom.
Convention invitations
by dothemath inso everyone is supposed to get all excited about the invitation work starting tomorrow, according to the announcement from the platform.. maybe this makes sense if you're giving out invitations in the city where the convention is, but what if you're many hours away?.
a huge part of western canada is scheduled to attend edmonton alberta this july.
so how does that go over giving out invitations in winnipeg, about a 13 hour drive(that's just driving time).. i know some are actually planning on flying there, so i can't see getting excited about getting the public to make the trek.. i was curious how this is going over in other areas?.
Utter, utter complete and utter - waste of time.
2017 Sunday RC Final Talk & Comments About 1975
by baldeagle inmany of us here have commented on the deceitful friday afternoon video shown at the 2017 rc that discussed 1975.. the video attempted to shift the blame onto congregation members for the fiasco saying, "some were looking to a certain date as signifying the end of this old system of things.".
this same video mentions how, “a few even went so far as selling their homes and quitting their jobs.”.
we all know that the wt leadership created this teaching and endorsed it right up to its abject failure.. now below is the concluding talk given on sunday at the rc.
And in twenty years time GB 3.0 will go on about how "some people" didn't like the generation change of 1995 because they were serving to a date ...
Luke 21 v 8 ...
For Drue: Who are the Borg
by Gianluca inon this board our russian friend drue asked what are the so called borgs.
if i remember well i think the following was posted on the "old" h20 quite some time ago by a certain "worldlywitness".
i personally found it was a great post, i hope you will enjoy it too!.
Oops! Giordano got there first ...
For Drue: Who are the Borg
by Gianluca inon this board our russian friend drue asked what are the so called borgs.
if i remember well i think the following was posted on the "old" h20 quite some time ago by a certain "worldlywitness".
i personally found it was a great post, i hope you will enjoy it too!.
The Borg are from Star Trek: The Next Generation. They are a vast collective of drones.
They fly around space in a big cube and take over and assimilate all whom they encounter who become absorbed into the hive mind and who become part of the group.
They have a phrase such as "resistance is futile" which they say just before attacking their latest prey.
See any similarities with jborg?
WT - Study Ed, October 2017 - The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword”
by Sanchy inanother article analyzing how bad poor jw's have it when it comes to opposition from family.
few interesting quotes:.
parr 2:.
Ha! The bastards in the Tower are getting more vocal and strident.
More and more folk must be ignoring the bastards.
I know I do.
What are the chances of getting another Raymond Franz default from head office ?
by Chook inall regimes get defectors and some are more vocal than others..
Maybe one of the "helpers" but no one on the GB. Look at 'em - overfed and/or physically soft. Mentally soft in Lett's case.
They're all TV stars (remember that?) now.
Brussels Central station was evacuated Tuesday amid reports of an explosion and at least one man shot who shouted "Allahu Akbar,"
by freemindfade init looks like these attacks in europe are going from weekly, to daily, it literally gives me chills to think about traveling to europe with my family.
that is very unfortunate.
Europeans are "used to it".
Not wishing to be rude but American non-servicemen have had it "soft" until 9/11 - let me explain. And frankly the Brits have not had it as tough as the Europeans.
Two generations before mine we had WW1. Northern France and Belgium were quagmires of death and destruction as was what is modern day Poland on the German/Russian front. Paris was shelled by the Germans, London and the East coast of England were bombed by Zeppelins. For the first time civilians were involved. The USA civilians had no such terror. Even their entry into the war came two an a half to nearly three years after it kicked off.
In the generation before mine we had WW2. European civilains stuck in the middle like never before plus the Holocaust. France decimated again; UK blitzed as far west as Plymouth, Belfast, Bristol, Cardiff and Liverpool. London got V1 and V2 weapons fired at them just after the Luftwaffe went on the back foot. Germany bombed flat. Russia and Poland utterly devastated as far as Moscow and Stalingrad. Italy rolled back as the US and UK pushed the Nazis back over two years.
Spain had its civil war just before WW2 and Greece had its civil war just after.
1950's through 1980's Europe is getting used to the idea that if WW3 kicks off they will be in the path of the USSR and any retaliatory action; nuclear weapons hang heavily.
Now let me swing to the UK.
Late 60's through late 90's - the ever present threat of the IRA and to a lesser extent the UDA response. Bombs going off in Northern Ireland, London, Manchester, Bristol.
Then suddenly we get 9/11. America wakes up. and since then it has been Muslim extremists at the fore. 7/7 in London 2005 then France seems to be at the forefront and now it is North West Europe once again.
We are "used to it" - have been for 100 years - it doesn't occur to me not to go to Europe due to terrorism. I've been to France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Switzerland - Mediterranean islands. Again it would not even occur to me not to go anywhere in Europe due to terrorism.
Going wider afield ... A JW elder in 2005 said to me "I wouldn't go to Bali - they had a bomb out there!" (referring to an incident in 2002 where over 200 were killed by Muslim extremists)
I sat in the hotel lobby of a Balinese hotel sipping pina colada watching one of these new-fangled flat screen TV's as the 7/7 bombings of London were reported.
All my life I have gone to London - school trips - Museum trips with my kids and now myself. Weekends away. Stop overs waiting for aeroplane journeys.
It doesn't occur to me to not go about my daily activities due to terrorism.