Another article analyzing how bad poor JW's have it when it comes to opposition from family.
Few interesting quotes:
Parr 2:
But the greatest threat to our peace may come from unbelieving relatives. Some might ridicule our beliefs, accuse us of dividing the family, or threaten to disown us unless we give up our faith. How should we view family opposition? How can we successfully deal with the challenges it brings?
..."threaten to disown us unless we give up our faith"? Sounds quite a bit like what JW parents do to children that decide to leave the religion
Parr 5
In order to prove worthy of the Christ, his disciples have had to endure ridicule or even alienation from their families. Yet, they have gained far more than they have lost.
Again, JWs that have left due to conscience matters also face "alienation from their families"
Parr 6
Even when our relatives oppose our efforts to worship Jehovah, we continue to love them, but we must remember that our love for God and Christ comes first. (Matt. 10:37) We must also realize that Satan will try to use our affection for our family to break our integrity. Let us consider some situations involving family opposition and see how we can successfully face the challenges that these bring.
"You should continue "loving opposing family members", but!!!, you better continue shunning them. Don't even answer their phone calls." I wonder if Jesus would approve of this type of twisted "love".
17 When a family member is disfellowshipped or he disassociates himself from the congregation, it can feel like the stab of a sword. How can you cope with the pain that this brings?
18 Keep up your spiritual routine. Build yourself up by regularly reading the Bible, preparing for and attending Christian meetings, sharing in the field ministry, and praying for the strength to endure
.. "You can heal the pain from having a family member leave the religion by working harder for Watchtower and talking to yourself"
Parr 19
Respect the discipline of Jehovah. His arrangement can bring the best long-term outcome for all, including the wrongdoer, even though the immediate effect is painful. (Read Hebrews 12:11.) For example, Jehovah instructs us to “stop keeping company” with unrepentant wrongdoers. (1 Cor. 5:11-13) Despite our pain of heart, we must avoid normal contact with a disfellowshipped family member by telephone, text messages, letters, e-mails, or social media.
"Don't phone, text, email or FB your DF son or daughter. Let them rot in hell. Maybe that'll force them to come back"
Also, what about those that are not "unrepentant wrongdoers"? What if the person just decided that their conscience no longer allowed them to continue worshiping God in the JW way? Why should these folks be treated as "unrepentant wrongdoers"?
Parr 20
If you see evidence that a close family member is having a change of heart, you could pray that he or she gain strength from the Scriptures and respond to Jehovah’s appeal: “Return to me
.."Continue talking to yourself"
Parr 21
Jesus said that if we were to put any human before him, we would not be worthy of him. Yet, he was confident that his disciples would have the courage to maintain their loyalty to him despite family opposition. If following Jesus has brought “a sword” into your family, rely on Jehovah to help you deal with the challenges successfully. (Isa. 41:10, 13) Find joy in knowing that Jehovah and Jesus are pleased with you and that they will reward your faithful course.
.."Jehovah and Jesus are pleased with you and that they will reward your faithful course"? What kind of sick God takes joy in constantly seeking loyalty through strife, division, bitterness and petty fighting between his children? Deciding whether to worship God or to love an unbelieving family member unconditionally does not need to be mutually exclusive choices.