Sometimes you get a parent DF'd but who mentally believes it all.
I remember as an elder being in this situation where the mother of two teenagers had enough of her thick, sometimes physically abusive JW husband and she not only left him, she had an affair with a non-jw guy she knew and basically said "I know it's wrong but I'm moving in with him and I know you will have to DF me."
Anyway we agreed with her (as a jw elder would!) and DF'd her and she had the kids living with her and the husband disappeared off under the radar before we could deal with his abusiveness.
But terms were cordial with the mother and she wanted her kids to go to meetings and have a study which we set up. Long term result?
Mother - still out with no intention of returning
Abusive husband - gone of into the sunset - officially inactive and not returning
Kid 1 - Got baptised then df'd in mid twenties - out and no intention of returning.
Kid 2 - uber pioneer sister
The crazy world of JW-land of which I was an obedient brainwashed pawn ...
Edit ... just read your post "FedUp" - brilliant!