I would happily pay the £10 as I wouldn't view it as a donation but as a reasonable charge for the time and materials taken to produce the stuff.
I believe but cannot be certain that you will get your stuff but that any reference to anyone else will be redacted. Here's a tongue in cheek example ...
Original letter from your elders to the branch ...
Bro. Emperor admitted acts of porneia with Sister Lucy Nuff and Sister Lilo Lil. This was done as a "threesome" for which we asked complete details so as to determine the low sink of debauchery that Bro. Emperor sank.
We have also included by way of a copy of this correspondence the Judicial Committee of the "Outer Fumbuck" congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses where these sisters were serving until the outcome of their recent judicial meetings conducted by Bros Dick Thasher, Moe Lester and Phil McAvity.
Bro. Emperor does not appear to show fruits befitting repentance and we uphold the decision of the original committee but we are mightily jealous as Sister Lucy Nuff is gorgeous and Sister Lilo Lil has a body to die for.
We remain your brothers,
Joe Kerr, Ben Dover and Mike Litterus
Redacted version ...
Bro. Emperor admitted acts of porneia with [Redacted]and [Redacted]. This was done as a "threesome" for which we asked complete details so as to determine the low sink of debauchery that Bro. Emperor sank.
We have also included by way of a copy of this correspondence the Judicial Committee of the [Redacted] congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses where these sisters were serving until the outcome of their recent judicial meetings conducted by Bros [Redacted x 3].
Bro. Emperor does not appear to show fruits befitting repentance and we uphold the decision of the original committee but we are mightily jealous as [Redacted] is gorgeous and [Redacted] has a body to die for.
We remain your brothers,
[Redacted x 3]