What an excellent use of the internet! Please tell us more of how you get your anti JW message out there.
I always love your posts. That JW lady cannot fail to have your truthful experiences and what you said lodge in her brain.
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In general terms the internet is also hollowing out JW's from the inside. Those that only get a glimpse of anti JW stuff, those that quietly research, those that doubt but feel unable to say anything at all and those "in for family" will vote - even if only subconsciously - with their wallets and their feet.
Armageddon never comes; The old school baptised pre -1975 stalwarts age, get sick and die; Peace and Security never comes; The King of the North has disappeared and the spoutings of the GB appear more manipulative, money and property focussed and inaccurate.
This is why meeting attendances and "door-to-door" are down, weekends away are up, lethargy and anxiety are on the increase and treading water is common.
Yay for the internet!