I was asked to do an interview at the CA about 6 or 7 years ago where the brother taking the item wanted to explain how I had "bounced back" from not taking counsel and losing my "privileges" to being reappointed again and how it showed that I had "learned my lesson" in a "humble way". (Barf! I know. I know. - )
The CO thought it a good example but he was interrupted by the DO who was riding shotgun at the rehearsal.
The DO thought it was too negative and that I hadn't showed humility by resigning in the first place and cut the interview out. (That was fun - standing on the rehearsal platform in front of all the circuit heavies and being kicked off! LOL!)
That DO was demoted to CO in 2014 along with all the others and if I have his age correct he will just about be getting put out to grass in outer fumbuck as he will be taken off of being CO as he approaches age 70.
A nice opportunity for him to show humility!