Hi Sinboi here's "da rulez"
You cannot be DF'd for associating with another DFd person unless you are vocally going about saying you don't agree with the decision to DF or otherwise sticking it in their faces where they bring in "brazen conduct" - the clever catch-all sin. If the parents are discreet it may not be an issue. If caught out by some nosey busybody who runs to the elders they (the parents) can claim "necessary private family business" without disclosing what it was.
If the DF'd relative is a minor then the parents get a free pass to keep them in their home until they are an adult before they get pressure to do otherwise. This is not rigorously enforced at age 18 but at 19 or especially 20 upwards they will get pressured to consider why the DFd person is there. If it is perceived that you are there because you just want to then the parents will get more pressure. At the other end of the scale if the householder wants his DFd parent to live with him because he is aging or unwell then the same scrutiny will apply. Needed or just convenient?
Now if the Parent is a pioneer or especially an appointed MS or Elder then his qualifications will be "considered" (scrutinised) and unless there is a damned good (JW) reason then they will be deleted from their position.
If they aren't an MS or Elder then the elders may choose to restrict "privileges" as they see fit.
If you are joining the army then I guess you would only be able to try to visit your parents when you are "on leave" and so if your parents operate an "under the radar" policy the problem shouldn't arise.
I guess the problem will be whether your parents will go against "da rulez" rather than the elders who may not be aware of your visits.