*** w90 2/1 p. 25 par. 19 Exposing “the Man of Lawlessness” ***
The worldliness of some clergy has even been exposed in the media in recent times, as for example the licentious and luxurious life-styles of some TV clergymen. One modern songwriter composed a song with the title: “Would Jesus Wear a [$10,000] Rolex [watch] on His Television Show?” The song goes on to say: “Would Jesus be political if He came back to earth, have His second home in [luxurious] Palm Springs and try to hide His worth?” In addition, more and more clergymen condone or practice homosexuality. Even now the Catholic Church in the United States is paying millions of dollars in damages to compensate for priests guilty of sexual abuse of children.
My question dear dubbie is this ...
In light of the above paragraph from your Watchtower magazine, how can you stand there with a straight face suggesting I look at your rolex wearing, United Nations joining, Governing Body on JWTV; that I donate to their luxurious new complex in Warwick, or in light of the findings of the A.R.C., that I should trust them in regard to the protection of children from sexual abuse?