What inferences might we draw from reports of AM3 and from his life article in the magazines?
Not predestination but the usual self-justification, self importance and irritability that are the hallmarks of this man. He is also an "all-for-show", judgemental, overbearing man. My belief is that his "people are a waste of time" statement is fed from the above traits.
He's irritable because he knows revenue is down because not enough donations come in from the "wonderful" literature or the rank and file jw's.
His self-importance comes through in as much as his feelings are projected on to an audience that has little choice but to listen. (Tight pants etc.)
The "all-for-show" came in the article about his life where he said his sons "made him look good" - this is where War-wick as a venue and the swanky JWTV studio with its "suits" and jewellery comes in.
The overbearing and judgemental comments about "people being a waste of time" and non-MS males (by the age of 23) being a poor choice of marriage mate.
He is a supercilious shit who stuffs his porky face and lives high on the hog of donations of people he feels contempt for and those who died believing the nonsense portrayed in the "wonderful literature."
I wish ill on very few people in this world but I hope AM3 has the rudest of awakenings.