It's not so much the "two witness rule" - they can play what games they like in lala land for all I care - it's the NOT REPORTING TO POLICE/SOCIAL SERVICES and TRYING TO STOP OTHERS GOING TO THE AUTHORITIES - TO PROTECT JEHOVAH'S NAME that makes my blood boil.
It is insidious. Even in the mid-2000's after Panorama/Dateline forced the bastards in Bethel to put in writing that congregation members could go to the authorities without sanction, the verbal "strong suggestions" were to avoid it like the plague and woe betide any elder who told them he was going anyway.
I remember with another elder phoning the UK branch about a case where we believed that the children were being very badly neglected and we wanted to go to the social services. The Toady little shit on the end of the phone line - who of course is anonymous - really didn't want elders to go even when we explained that the parents or relatives wouldn't go because they knew they might "lose" their kids into care.
We went anyway and didn't tell anyone else about it. Funnily enough the other brother is now an ex-elder too even though he seems to be a true believer.
I believe - but cannot prove - there is a reported case in Ireland only this year where elders were removed (soundness of mind was the charge can you believe?) because they went to the authorities and what they knew came from either elders "investigations" or judicial records.