Thanks all! Sorry to be thick but where would I find in writing the statement of the WT lawyer?
How far has this case proceeded?
in a recent canadian case i've seen (on line video in threads on here) the wt lawyer says that disfellowshipping isn't actual shunning but only a cutting off of spiritual association.
but what case is it and is there a transcript available on line?.
any other "good" examples from the point of view that it proves wt speak out of both sides of their mouths?.
Thanks all! Sorry to be thick but where would I find in writing the statement of the WT lawyer?
How far has this case proceeded?
i think i made a thread like this a couple of years ago but i can't remember what was said and i'd rather have a new discussion anyway.. what's different in the wts since i left it behind in 2006?.
*** w07 5/1 p. 30 Questions From Readers ***
Questions From Readers
When does the calling of Christians to a heavenly hope cease?
this is my first post on here so i apologize that it is like an essay!.
my husband and i are currently 'fading out' of the truth.
we stopped preaching in may 2016 and limited meeting attendance in january 2017 and stopped completely in june 2017. my main reason for this was my whole life i have been doing things to please others, even getting baptized to please my mum.
All good advice Emily. Welcome.
Tallon and Phoebe are spot on.
The elders will smile to your face but will have two things behind their backs. One will be their own arm in an arm-lock from the Branch who will tell them what to do when they ask how to deal with you. The other will be their own knife.
"The Fall Guy" says he has PM'd you. I have learned to trust his advice. He knows how to place every scintilla and cross every "T" when it comes to dealing with elders and fading.
Also the current round of CO outlines is heavy on "loyalty" including being loyal by telling on friends an family to the elders ...
You have been warned ...
i think i made a thread like this a couple of years ago but i can't remember what was said and i'd rather have a new discussion anyway.. what's different in the wts since i left it behind in 2006?.
No. The F&DS is no longer the "remnant" of the 144,000. It's now ONLY the Governing Body.
Here's the time line.
2007 WT QFR opened the door slightly for newly anointed. Loads rushed through and partakers increased from about 10,000 to 18,000. So in about 2012 or 2014 the FDS was taken from them and given only to the GB.
Someone else can explain the Overlapping Generations ...
this is my first post on here so i apologize that it is like an essay!.
my husband and i are currently 'fading out' of the truth.
we stopped preaching in may 2016 and limited meeting attendance in january 2017 and stopped completely in june 2017. my main reason for this was my whole life i have been doing things to please others, even getting baptized to please my mum.
Hi Emily...ex elder here. If you want to avoid an announcement from now on in.
Do not talk to the elders. Do not talk to your friend. Hide your Xmas celebrations and gift buying. Deny everything that you are accused of and refuse to discuss it. Repeat ...
Do not talk to the elders. Do not talk to your friend. Hide your Xmas celebrations and gift buying. Deny everything that you are accused of and refuse to discuss it.
Maybe three to five years down the line you can really be viewed as inactive. But even then saying or being seen to do the wrong thing by friends or relatives who are JW's can be the short path to a DF.
in a recent canadian case i've seen (on line video in threads on here) the wt lawyer says that disfellowshipping isn't actual shunning but only a cutting off of spiritual association.
but what case is it and is there a transcript available on line?.
any other "good" examples from the point of view that it proves wt speak out of both sides of their mouths?.
In a recent Canadian case I've seen (on line video in threads on here) the WT lawyer says that disfellowshipping isn't actual shunning but only a cutting off of spiritual association.
But what case is it and is there a transcript available on line?
Any other "good" examples from the point of view that it proves WT speak out of both sides of their mouths?
(I've seen the Australian heavyweights O'Brien and Toole at the ARC and read the transcripts where they "explain" how abuse survivors can "go inactive" instead of DA'ing and how they don't know the term "theocratic warfare". Also Jackson's double speak too.)
so i suffered through another one of these idiotic "encouraging" talks by tony vives.. he prattled on about loyalty, and pretty well concentrated on three areas.
loyalty to ones marriage mate, which is no problem.
if one is married they really do owe loyalty to their husband or wife.. second, he hammered on "loyalty" by having nothing to do with a df'd family member, even a child!
In my hall there are 8 ex-elders who semi regularly or regularly attend. Here is my assessment. Should be fun when the CO moans about not "reaching out."
3 have no apparent interest in being elders or reaching out again.
1 is DF.
3 are keen but seem to be bi-polar or marriage difficulties or have a recurring drink/porn problem. I suppose one of them might make MS in the next couple of years but it seems unlikely.
1 is an MS but I cannot see him making elder because he is a bit too obviously crazy!
There are also a couple of ex-MS's. One I know is not interested in "reaching out" and the other, while seeming to be a true believer is negative enough not to want to reach out.
we all know the gb like to impose rules upon the rules... but did anyone else out there have parents that implemented rules upon those rules?
mine did.
my mum tended to copy whatever the elders wives were doing and took it to the extreme.
My parents were great compared with your stories.
I think the only thing that would have freaked them out would be if I brought a Ouija board home!
I used to get presents/money "instead of Xmas/birthdays" - fireworks on Nov 4th or 6th - as long as it wasn't fireworks/bonfire night.
"Worldly associates" were discouraged out of school but not banned but I spent a lot of time on my own so I used to be into making models and dioramas; and I was allowed to make warplanes (my jw mate was only allowed civil aircraft or space rockets) battleships and submarines but not to make model tanks.
I guess killing in the air with model Spitfires and Fw 190's was okay and sinking HMS Hood and the Bismarck was alright - but Tiger tanks vs Shermans wasn't!
Go figure.
I sometimes wish they were stricter - I might have woken up earlier!
first post here and looking for advice and help.
sorry in advance for it being so long :(.
i'm a happily married woman (no kids) who is a non-jw, presbyterian to be precise.
I put these quotes up not so you can attack your husband but so that he has ammunition if and when he consults his elders or if they stick their noses in.
I would use WT publications freely to go against jw unwritten traditions that may impact on your marital happiness.
Best of luck!
first post here and looking for advice and help.
sorry in advance for it being so long :(.
i'm a happily married woman (no kids) who is a non-jw, presbyterian to be precise.
Spacegirl. That quote from the 1960 Watchtower by "The Fall Guy" is genuine and is on their 2014 CD ROM (CD ROM watchtowers go back to 1950 - on line to 2000).
It is genuine and can be used. When I was an elder in elders school it was mentioned back in the 1990's.
WT publications are to a JW like Garlic is to a vampire. IF THEY HAVEN'T BEEN SUPERCEDED BY "NEW LIGHT"!
This old quote has never been superceded and when used in conjunction with the July 2009 WT about religious freedom is a powerful antidote when used by a UBM. Here it is ...
*** Awake July 2009 p. 29 Is It Wrong to Change Your Religion? ***
Although the Bible makes a clear distinction between true and false teachings, God allows each person the freedom to choose how he or she will respond. (Deuteronomy 30:19, 20) No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family. Does study of the Bible lead to family breakup? No. In fact, the Bible encourages a husband and wife who practice different religions to remain together as a family.—1 Corinthians 7:12, 13.