What's changed since I left in 2006?

by Jehovah lol 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jehovah lol
    Jehovah lol

    I think I made a thread like this a couple of years ago but I can't remember what was said and I'd rather have a new discussion anyway.

    What's different in the WTS since I left it behind in 2006?

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  • Crazyguy

    A lot. All they care about now is that you recognize that the leaders are a question, that who is the faithful and discreet slave ? And that you blindly follow all their teachings with out question! More and more cultish all the time!! Doctrine really doesn’t matter just that you do what they tell you.

    That and they beg for money a whole bunch more today. They have stolen all the money from the congregations and all their Kingdom Halls.

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  • Jehovah lol
    Jehovah lol

    Do members have to tithe now?

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  • pepperheart

    From next year they will just have six magazines a year rather than the 24 only a few years ago and the watchtower have moved out of new york to sell all the bulidings there and they are also moving out of central london as well.

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  • Crazyguy

    Not officially but they did a pledge drive a few years ago and expect each congregation to continue to give each month what they pledge. They also come up with one expense after another . Insurance for the hall, insurance for the COs , money to pay for the cost of being able to take credit cards, whatever scam they can think of. They even ask for money to help with those in need after natural disasters yet the money never makes it to them.

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  • Jehovah lol
    Jehovah lol

    I never remember it being so money-focused back when I was in but then I never really paid much attention to that stuff, I was more interested in the beliefs, which seem to be of little importance now.

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  • ctrwtf

    I think it's telling that after 11 years you care what's new. I'm in the same boat. I left in 2008 and still haunt this board. That's the power of a cult. Who knows? Maybe in another 10 years we won't feel the need.....

    Cheers to you!

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  • Jehovah lol
    Jehovah lol

    I mainly care because I still have family stuck inside, but I don't want to ask them about it because they might mistake it for genuine interest.

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  • Crazyguy

    One of the most disgusting things that they did is tell the elder to send all the money the congregation had to headquarters and only keep about three months expenses in their local account. They were told this money would all be pulled together to help pay for all the growth and needed Kingdom Halls worldwide. If the elders then needed some money to pay for their own new hall or remodeling needs they could contact the branch and they would get the money they needed.

    Now after all the money has been taken if a elder body asks the branch for some money for Kingdom Hall issues or a new Kingdom Hall their instructed to put up a contribution box in their hall and when the members have contributed enough money they can then use it for their local needs. Another words their not getting their money back, all stolen!

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  • scratchme1010
    I mainly care because I still have family stuck inside, but I don't want to ask them about it because they might mistake it for genuine interest.

    That part, regarding relationships with people who left, since 2006, has changed back and forth between different degrees of how much they can be in your life. I know that because of the phone calls that came from my JW family telling me that now they can talk, so they called me to ask me for money.

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