Days of future passed said "So they just trudge on towards the mirage."
What a way you have with words. That conjures up such an accurate image of the average middle aged and older jw.
just this week i had the jws knock on my door.
sisters from my old congregation.
we exchanged the usual polite conversation.
Days of future passed said "So they just trudge on towards the mirage."
What a way you have with words. That conjures up such an accurate image of the average middle aged and older jw.
STOP worrying about the more distant future and any relationship.
Just resolve to be firm and get away from this relationship. Change your phone number and change congregations too if it is at all possible.
Ignore all jw contact that makes your stomach churn (stomachs are good at telling you what feels right!) - especially nosey or well meaning elders!
You can then go home close your door, lie on the sofa, switch on the fire, look after and love your kids, help your 12 year old through puberty, switch on the TV, decide if and when you want to go to a meeting or not, come on here, check jw.facts.
Rebuild contact with your non-jw family. Realise that if there is a God that his existence and plans do not depend upon jw's. If there isn't then enjoy the life you have. Be happy not knowing ...
Hugs to you.
1. Stay away from him. Are you financially able to get by? Plan this.
2. Don't rush. Ignore the phone and any calls from unwanted callers. Just enjoy the "freedom" from being under his/the elders control.
3. Take your time and ask away on here.
love the whole thing - 6:50 is pretty darn funny.
"Merge with the Davidian South congregation"
"When Brother Koresh the C.O. gets here ..."
december 4, 2017 to all congregations in britain and ireland re: changes to circuits.
Well... sad man that I am I had a look on jwborg and counted up the present number of congregations in Scotland. Now I don't know if Scotland in borg terms is the same as in where the border between England and Scotland is in real terms but I assume it is and have not included Berwick-upon-Tweed in Scotland.
According to the letter there will be six circuits in Scotland of similar size.
I counted about 109 congregations including a Polish in both Glasgow and Dundee and a BSL in Edinburgh.
I noted but did not include a couple of "isolated groups" in the Hebrides/Skye neck of the woods and a few "pre-groups" in Polish/Russian/Roumanian and Mandarin.
So all in all it looks like the size of the new circuits will still be about 20; maybe a little less - 18 plus the odd isolated group would seem about the average.
I also noted that Glasgow has 12 English speaking congregations and Edinburgh has 8 English speaking. (As in the name of the city comes before the name of the congregation.)
So unless I am missing something I don't see a large reduction (or any?) in circuits for Scotland. Does anyone know how many there are at present?
is it still watchtower dogma that the seven trumpets of revelation refer to seven conventions in the 1920s?
would many jws these days even be aware of this?
i find it so amusing that seven little conventions in the distant past, almost a century ago, could be equated with such an iconic biblical passage.
Remember getting (real) cut and paste bits to stick in your revelation book?
i have received the following request and as i am unable to help, i am turning to you.
apparently they relate to the 1925 prediction.. thanks, doug.
could you provide me with a photocopy of the following publications of the watchtower society?.
They're both on the CD-Rom - don't know if that's good enough.
i'm trawling through the uk charity listings for congregations, and of those who added additional financial information, i am seeing a lot of congregations receive legacies.
in the years 2015 and 2016, a lot of money left to the congregation was donated to the world wide work/ibsa.. i realize the letter from 2015 was read out asking congregations to donate excess reserves to the branch office but is this what the testator really wanted?.
consider gloucster kingsholme congregation.
Over the years as accounts servant and secretary I remember a few legacies left to the congregation. Nothing huge but in the two to ten thousand bracket.
One for about £1500 was worded for the "benefit of the poor in the congregation" and it was up to the trustees (elders) to interpret.
It sat "ringfenced" for about five years and I know we used a couple of hundred to pay for "sister gotmorekids" to get to a couple of conventions but eventually we decided that no one in the congregation was really poor (as we have benefits and NHS over here and everyone seemed to be able to afford food, heating, light and a TV!) and so it went on some sound equipment which we felt benefitted the poor along with the rest of the congo.!
I have heard of larger legacies and elders arguing whether it should get sent to the WWW or not. It usually ended up in the GB's coffers one way or another.
i have noticed in the uk a few families i used to know while in the borg have exited together.
some include former elders and ministerial servants.
i observed on social media pages that the kids have 'worldly' boyfriends and girlfriends and they look so much happier than they did in the org.
I know of a young family in a nearby hall that I believe deliberately went inactive about five years ago.
Her father was a P.O./COBE. His family had a COBE and Secretary as father and Uncle. He was an MS. They had small children and about five years ago one of the P.O.'s has a falling out with his body and comes off the body.
The married daughter sided with her Dad.
About a year later the ex PO dad, his wife, daughter, son-in-law and grandkids have "gone inactive." Successful fade - and I hear the kids were soon involved in school activities including Xmas etc.
that is a question i want to calmly and politely ask a witness next time i interact with them.
perhaps at a cart.. "the bible says we should be humble.
may i ask, are you humble enough to admit you were wrong on things you believe?
They are too FRIGHTENED to be humble enough to admit they could be wrong.