Posts by freddo
Women must not instruct men, even by singing a theocratic song.
by Ultimate Axiom ini did a quick search and this doesn’t appear to have been commented on here, but if it has been, i apologise in advance for starting an unnecessary thread.. regarding a change to a song title, the study article on page 7 paragraph 17 of november 2017 watchtower explained, “the change of the title “guard your heart” to “we guard our hearts” was most considerate.
in the audience at our meetings, assemblies, and conventions are many new ones, interested ones, young ones, and sisters who by singing the words would be put in the awkward position of telling others what to do.
so the title and the lyrics were modified.”.
Family Insists on Having Relationship with My Child -_-
by Cimarrona inhi gang, i'm a single mother of an 8 month old baby boy.
i've been df'd for over six years now.
my parents are super dubs and most of my siblings are dubs (on paper - a couple have been inactive my entire life but still claim to believe) with the exception of a brother who was never baptized.
GTSfromSY said ...
"I personally would NOT let my parents see my children unless I was there with them, PERIOD. So if they don't want to see me, then you will not see my kids. I would however still be nice and cordial to them."
My father also molested my DAUGHTER!
by alamb inneeding advise.
i was on here years ago fighting for custody of my daughters.
the court gave us a joint arrangement.
I'm not in the USA, I'm in the UK.
Putting the financial point to one side just for the moment (and only for the moment) is there a fresh CRIMINAL case to be brought? If only to protect others from the twisted bastard.
Sorry for all you and your daughters have gone through.
From what I've read - ZALKIN know their stuff; might they know if a monetary case can be brought against your father or your ex? Do they have any assets.
by Jrjw inplease could someone explain to me what the generation thing i keep seeing in people's threads was that had lots of people leave the wts coz it was way before i became a witness.
I'll try ...
Up until 1995 and especially after the 1975 debacle "The Generation" was understood as those aged between about 70 and 80 - that saw 1914 (with understanding) and would not pass away before Armaggeddy.
When it was becoming obvious that the generation WAS passing away the age of understanding not-so-subtly dropped from 15 to 10 to babies.
By 1995 the gig was up as we were now 81 years from 1914.
So the definition of "The Generation" was changed a few times between then and 2010 - see jw.facts for details - when the infamous overlapping generations arrived and more recently the "Ex-Splaned" chart shows how it works. (Using F.W.F. and causing WTF? from many on this and other forums.)
UK - please post names of congregations being disbanded/merged
by truthseeker ini will soon be done with my jw charity analysis project.
can we make this an official thread for uk congregations being merged/disbanded so i can update the list.
i will post the results when finished.. truthseeker.
The above post shows the Kingdom hall in Raglan (South East Wales) and associated buildings up for sale. (The congregation(s)) meeting there were not named Raglan)
Property description
Contact Newland Rennie - Monmouth about Residential development £425,000
A rare and exciting opportunity to purchase a site with tremendous planning potential within the town of Raglan.
The site comprises the Meeting Hall, semi detached cottage and a large level area at the rear with a separate access. There is ample space and hard standing areas for parking and turning. Water, electricity and drainage all connected to the Meeting Hall. Kingdom Hall site has the potential of becoming a highly regarded town development.Plans have been drawn providing two semi detached properties, a further semi detached property and a detached 4 bedroom executive home.......Freddo's comment - I believe this has been sold for property development - it is still there (week before Xmas 2017) and is a bit of a dump which would be ideal for pulling down and building houses. -
UK - please post names of congregations being disbanded/merged
by truthseeker ini will soon be done with my jw charity analysis project.
can we make this an official thread for uk congregations being merged/disbanded so i can update the list.
i will post the results when finished.. truthseeker.
UK - please post names of congregations being disbanded/merged
by truthseeker ini will soon be done with my jw charity analysis project.
can we make this an official thread for uk congregations being merged/disbanded so i can update the list.
i will post the results when finished.. truthseeker.
Frome (pronounced Froom) in Somerset have moved as a complete congregation from Welshmill Lane in Frome (Charity commission shows this as being their address in 2016) to share Midsomer Norton's Kingdom hall in Waterloo Rd, Midsomer Norton. This is 8 miles away.
The Midsomer Norton address is shown for both congregations on Jborg.
These congregations are both presently in different circuits and under new arrangements I believe Midsomer Norton is being moved out of its old Avon Circuit.
Well, welcome! From the UK.
Well...It's 2018 and still no ''Armageddon''
by RULES & REGULATIONS in1972 : we started studying with the jehovah's witnesses when my uncle became an elder and put fear into our family that armageddon was close.
1974 : my mom, my brother and i were all baptized after all the convention talks and watchtower magazine articles that 1975 would likely end this system of things.
1999 : being told that the year 2000 was going to mark the 6 thousand years of mans existence and that the 1000 year kingdom in the new paradisewould come in the year 2000.
The end is imminent, eh Tony - now what does your very own RNWT say?
(Luke 21:7, 8) . . .Then they questioned him, saying: “Teacher, when will these things actually be, and what will be the sign when these things are to occur?” 8 He said: “Look out that you are not misled, for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The due time is near.’ Do not go after them.
Conspiracy theorys
by atomant inits great to see new subject matter being injected into the room of late and would be good to see others contribute by opening new threads on their favorite topics.heres a few examples.9/11.
atom bombs are they real?
Conspiracy Theorists never seem to believe that cannabis is harmful. I think that they are being lied to by THEM.