Truthseeker - here is some factual/anecdotal stuff about KEYNSHAM congregation.
If forum members click on your link and then look at the detailed accounts for year ending 2015 they will see that a sister - one Christine Woodland - left the Congregation £139,000 in her will.
ANECDOTAL surmisation by Freddo
Soon (Charity Commission "soon" - not Watchtower false promise "soon" - I bet that there will be a similar sized hole on the other side of their accounts showing a six figure sum gone elsewhere. I wonder where? No prizes for guessing.
ANECDOTAL knowledge about KEYNSHAM
One of the elders hinted to me that they were having a bit of a battle with the CO/Bethel London about this legacy. Trustees felt it was left for the benefit of the congregation and wanted to ring fence at least some of it (note the needy fund in the CC accounts) and I know at least one elder was vocal in circuit elders fiance meetings about the persistent "deficit" at assemblies.
However as in all congregations there are plenty of elders who just go with the CO or Bethel "suggestions" like the pathetic cowards they can be (and I used to be). So I am sure that six figure sum will have gone to Bethel London already and will check their accounts later in the year as they HAVE to post them under CC rules.