John Davis
The GB proclaim they are subject to "Caesar's" laws where no law of god is "broken".
You mention "non sh1thole countries" with ages of consent as low as 13 or 14 (I paraphrase). These (non sh1thole) countries apply the law in a non-blanket way.
For example - if a 15 year old and a 14 year old seem to freely consent to each others sexual activity (without coercion) it might result in being dealt with in such away that neither get a criminal record.
If an adult has a consensual relationship with a 13 year old it will rightly be treated differently.
The stink that rises from the GB and their organisation is not due to two teenagers fumbling in the dark.
It is from their being culpable of having records of adults abusing children and young teens and then withholding that information (from other congregants, legal agencies etc.) and even allowing perpetrators to later become or stay as elders, pioneers and min servants.