Well Rudolf Hess left Hitler when the Nazis were at the top of their game in May 1941, so I suppose anything is possible.
Doubt it though.
all regimes get defectors and some are more vocal than others..
Well Rudolf Hess left Hitler when the Nazis were at the top of their game in May 1941, so I suppose anything is possible.
Doubt it though.
having sold off their brooklyn properties for $$$$ the watchtower society is doing the same thing with their properties in london, england.
http://ibsaproperty.com .
4 bedroom houses that would sell for £300,000/£600,000 in other parts of the UK going for £1,000,000 and northwards.
And that doesn't include all the apartment blocks, conference centres, office blocks.
This will surely cover the cost of Chelmsford and then some!
hi all, anybody any anecdotal or actual idea of how attendance numbers went this year ?.
there are hints that it is well down, but is it ?
and if it is, will the borg stop crowing about the attendance as they always have ?.
Well anecdotally I can give you four results from the UK.
My hall:
Cong 1 - This year 74, last year 101
Cong 2 - This year 98, last year 102
Cong 3 - This year 111, last year 121 (used a rented hall)
Another hall that an attendee told me about:
This year 117 last year 124.
So every hall was down and Cong 1 from my hall was a real outlier with a significant drop and no increase (in the other congs using the same hall) to compensate!
the following is an extract from something i wrote 16 years ago soon after leaving the watchtower.
i am posting it because it may help honest jws consider how far their beliefs are at odds with new testament christians.
if they have "the truth" then their attitude to jesus ought to reflect that of the apostles.
Bumped this thread! Because it's brilliant.
Thanks to Cofty.
i dont know if it was the same for you, but for me when i was a jw meeting days seemed to have a black cloud hanging over them.
on thursdays i knew i would be going to the meeting that evening.
that i would be getting into my meeting clothes at 6:30pm, leaving the house at 6:55pm and be sat in the kingdom hall from 7:15pm-9pm, then milling around for about half an hour before finally getting home for 10pm.
When you had a physical job - like a trade or cleaning. And you were physically tired mid week and especially on a warm day when you'd have to shower, shave and put on a bloody tie - even for the group if it was 70f/21c degrees plus outside.
And it was the fucking Revelation book again and you were the group overseer and had to stick in the "new light" changes and you dragged your poor little kids along even though they had school the next day and you KNEW the seven trumpets of Revelation were NOTHING to do with CEDAR FUCKING POINT OHIO CONVENTIONS!
What a shitty, foolish, idiotic, indoctrinated parent I was ...
the principles that we glean from god’s word should move us to avoid wearing clothing that is tight-fitting, revealing, or sexually provocative.
that would rule out wearing clothing that exposes or accentuates private parts of our anatomy.
nobody should feel uncomfortable or forced to look the other way when seeing how we are dressed.
stuck said ... "And of course, back when baggy trousers were in fashion, we as young brothers were told off for "following the trends and fashions of the world"
So, a JW just cant win!"
That's Madness! It just Suggs.
British at it's best! Especially the chorus from 1:55.
http://www.kptv.com/story/37498850/sheriff-jehovahs-witness-sexual-abuse-suspect-arrested-in-clackamas-co. .
sheriff: jehovah's witness sexual abuse suspect arrested in clackamas co.. posted: feb 13, 2018 5:39 pm cstupdated: feb 13, 2018 6:21 pm cst.
by fox 12 staff.
Well done Liz D! And you are most welcome here.
we urgently need to offer "resistance strategy" help to pimos who are likely to be harassed by elders seeking their consent for wtbt$ to leech their data.
what questions could pimos ask elders, that elders would be unable to answer?
(thus buying time, because elder would need to "check with branch").
I've been rehearsing in my head how I'm gonna say no - and as always the Fall Guy's idea is really top notch. That is my favoured plan.
But ... I do like Beth Sarim's "keep forgetting" - I don't do passive-aggressive very often as I wear my heart on my sleeve and give both barrels when I really shouldn't.
But that would be so delicious - "irritating the glorious" ones ad infinitum.
Hmmm. Choices.
in spain (and the rest of europe), the "improved" data protection laws come into force on 25th may 2018. this is a good thing and sadly america is still lagging behind; not surprising with their current president!.
watchtower legal department are hot on the case and have instructed elders to hand out the new "release" forms out to all the publishers in their groups, whilst making it clear to them that they won't have any privileges if they refuse to do so!.
note these points in the instructions:.
purrpurr - Atlantis has supplied them on his "6 BoE's - just arrived!" thread.
in spain (and the rest of europe), the "improved" data protection laws come into force on 25th may 2018. this is a good thing and sadly america is still lagging behind; not surprising with their current president!.
watchtower legal department are hot on the case and have instructed elders to hand out the new "release" forms out to all the publishers in their groups, whilst making it clear to them that they won't have any privileges if they refuse to do so!.
note these points in the instructions:.
I think record cards are exempt (in England anyway) because some years (decades?) ago we all signed a record card saying that our hours etc. could be kept by the BoE.