This one in Raglan South Wales went in 2017 for property development. It was I believe home to Monmouth Congregation of JW's which moved to Ross-on-Wye hall. (note meeting times blanked out)
Someone else may be able to confirm exact details.
This one in Raglan South Wales went in 2017 for property development. It was I believe home to Monmouth Congregation of JW's which moved to Ross-on-Wye hall. (note meeting times blanked out)
Someone else may be able to confirm exact details.
Clevedon, Somerset England. late 2014.
Not sure if sold but shut up and sat empty; one congregation disbanded the other moved ten miles to share with three others at Weston super Mare.
dear,everybody,how are you?my name is john moro i join jevoah this year 2018 in april in order to be jevoah wittness i live in yokine wa australia,i like to meet friends and share jevoah message to evangelize the word.thank you may god bless.
yours sincerely john moro.
Hi John!
If you believe the bible is from Jehovah then you will see that his followers do as described at Acts 1 v 8. That is be witnesses of ... Jesus.
Jesus's Witnesses.
And at Luke 21 v 8 he said who to avoid and not follow ...
Those who are always saying the end is near or put themselves in the place of Jesus.
I hope that helps you see clearly who to follow and who to avoid as you search the scriptures for their true message.
Of course many of us aren't at all sure the bible has any message. Perhaps you can help by explaining?
I also believe there are plenty of helpful folk here who can assist with life's practicalities such as how to go about getting work, providing for loved ones and thinking ahead for what is truly the best life can offer.
it really amazes me when jws act like we are hurting them!.
many of us have found that if we stop associating with them for valid reasons, they act all upset and hurt that we would be "so cruel as to limit our association or cut them off".
i know of friends here on the forum who have been told by parents that they "will shun them if they leave jehovah" , and yet when the shoe is on the other foot and our awake friends shun them first, the parents cry and bemoan the situation and say how "cruel it is to deprive them of their company".
Yes The Fall Guy, it is wonderful that the Secretary wouldn't shun his kids or boot them out. But how many elders have you known who would tell YOU and ME we need to shun ours while giving every possible loophole to their own?
The phrase rhymes with TRUCKING HIPPO-SHIT.
problem with this week's video on counsel.
why did they emphasize the counsel and not the fact that those who were watching movie should have followed christ counsel at mathew 5 go to your brother instead they ratted on the guy to an elder and let him do dirty just totally ignore jesus words..
baldeagle - good point.
When I was a young petty MiniSerpent I saw that a brother I worked with in a big factory had won a small but nice sum (£200) in the works raffle (for which you would pay £1 a month to join).
The winners list was published on the works noticeboard and there was this brother's name winning top prize.
So I run off to the P.O. to ask "what to do" and he said exactly what that article said - go and speak to him and see what his response is and IF you aren't happy with the reply come back to me.
I spoke to the brother who apologised for compromising my conscience and that was it. I went back to the PO who with a sense of humour rare in jw's said "we should have bribed him to split it three ways to keep us shtum."
this may be a plot point in a novel i'm working on.
will a judicial committee take testimony from a df'd or da person?
i could see them wanting to get dirt from any possible source, on the other hand i can picture somebody saying "he's df'd everything he says will be a lie.
Actually thanks Anders - I recall that now and remember being on a fact finding mission (aka witch hunt) - in the late 1990's - when I was an elder on a young brother playing fast and loose in JW terms with several young women but there not being enough to prove how far things went with each one.
One girl confessed to what is in jw land is porneia with the chap and he said he only went as far as above the waist action. As she confessed to a blowjob with him she was dealt with judicially but he got away with strong counsel because of course there was only one witness to the blowjob as he denied and said she was fantasizing.
She "lost it" at his "lies" and stormed out the JC in tears verbally DA'd and was judged unrepentant and DF'd!
About six months later another girl confessed out of the blue to similar "porneia" with the same chap and this time he denied completely beyond kissing her.
We checked with the original (already DF'd girl) whether she still held to what she had said and she was willing to repeat what she said and used the testimony of the now DF'd girl plus the new one and DF'd his sorry ass for porneia and malicious lying. The more recent girl got a private reproof.
We asked the original girl if she wanted to get reinstated and that we would fast track it if she did. She was very polite (amazingly) but basically told us she was never coming back to a religion that used elders who "lacked discernment". I understand she is now in her mid forties, in business with her hardworking never a jw husband with teenage kids, happily married.
Not proud of being involved in the process above but just reporting.
this may be a plot point in a novel i'm working on.
will a judicial committee take testimony from a df'd or da person?
i could see them wanting to get dirt from any possible source, on the other hand i can picture somebody saying "he's df'd everything he says will be a lie.
I recall the elder book saying that you could consider the testimony of unbelievers, not sure about specifically DF'd or DA'd.
It wasn't specifically forbidden to take their testimony.
go to minute nine for the third clip.
what is up with that hair???
She's allowed because she is black. I grew up with a black jw friend in the 70's and while the elders were on my case when my hair was over the tops of my ears or collar he got a free pass for having an afro as big as sideshow bob's.
i've recently watched the jw cartoons centered around teaching young kids the doctrines of this faith.
while i no longer practice any faith, i am well versed in this one.
i must say, these cartoons are in bad, bad taste.
Don't take it to heart FF ... I've been guilty of scan reading a long post and zeroing on my pet peeve too. We're all lovely on here really - just going through different stages of withdrawal from JW'ism either physically or mentally or both. Hope you stay and add your two cents to the mix from time to time!
Best wishes to you and yours ... (talking of work - I need to go to mine now)
Freddo in the UK.
"oh i'm not going to worry about it, armageddon will be here by then!".
-including me.
In a recent platform prayer from a 75 year old elder who has been a witness for 50 years and who pioneered forever despite having five kids AND every one of them is OUT (hooray) AND his WIFE is inactive but still lives with him AND he spends all his available time stood next to a BLOODY trolley STILL pioneering ...
"Blah blah ... Jehovah we are so grateful you have provided the Faithful and discreet slave to help us see where we are in the stream of time so close to this systems end ... Blah, blah."