Plus one on "Aliens". A rarity to have a second film that equals or surpasses an original.
Not over impressed with the other Alien films but I actually liked Prometheus. Not as much as the first two, but still watchable.
so, i'm quite into films, and horror is my favourite genre.. i don't own many franchises in full or almost in full.. but when i first started collecting dvds, i did tend to buy every film in a particular franchise if i enjoyed the first film or two.. i bought alien (1979) and aliens (1986) second-hand for 99 pence each (less than a dollar each!
) and they're fantastic.. so, i went back to the second-hand shop and bought alien 3 (1992), alien resurrection (1997) and prometheus (2012) ... erm, yes.
alien 3 (theatrical cut) was pretty good; resurrection was so bad it's funny and despite the gorgeous shots and good acting by michael fassbender, prometheus wasn't my thing.
Plus one on "Aliens". A rarity to have a second film that equals or surpasses an original.
Not over impressed with the other Alien films but I actually liked Prometheus. Not as much as the first two, but still watchable.
tommie robinson has reported often about what he sees as the demise of british society by the imposition of 'sharia' norms..
yesterday he was jailed for 13 months for reporting outside a court in the uk.
his was a non violent offence.. what no community service?
Hi humbled - thank you.
For clarity - I certainly believe that "Muslim" or Pakistani" men in rape and grooming gangs have been allowed too much slack because of political correctness gone crazy. I believe that is now being addressed, but go back five, ten or fifteen years and the same stupidity that allowed "Muslim" hate preachers "freedom of speech" which I believe radicalised young men went unchecked too often.
tommie robinson has reported often about what he sees as the demise of british society by the imposition of 'sharia' norms..
yesterday he was jailed for 13 months for reporting outside a court in the uk.
his was a non violent offence.. what no community service?
Please don't take this as Devil's advocate but just for balance until more detail comes out.
Breach of the peace, along with contempt of court/perjury has occasionally seemed disproportionate in its sentencing to me. For example in speeding cases where a camera has photographed a number plate from behind and the perpetrator thinks he/she may not be identified easily there have been examples of (typically) a wife taking "points" that should have gone against her husband because he was driving the car. He may have - say 9 points - and if he gets another three then he will get banned.
Do this, get caught and you will go to prison. So an offence which of itself would amount to a £100 fine ends up with three months in prison.
So ... Tommy Robinson. I understand where he comes from completely ... but ... like many "crusaders" you can go too far. As I see it he had an accumulation of offences which meant the "slammer" for him. 13 months seems disproportionate but if he is a good boy he will be out after six and a half and as a "known" face he is unlikely to be killed/injured in prison.
As for the case he is protesting about - there is a very real danger that (if he "skews" the case by highlighting details or inciting a view that defendants are already guilty) there is a very real chance that the defence will cry "foul" and there will be a mistrial and they might get off scot-free.
He was jailed for contempt of court for three months last year, suspended for eighteen according to The Independent. And so a second offence can automatically trigger being sent to prison.
"Don't jump to conclusions too soon" has been my motto since dealing with JW-ism and it holds good for now. Watch this space.
they always have but lately, they've taken it to a whole new level.
the new convention video about the end, the many videos at conventions and meetings, the new songs, all highly emotionally manipulative.
and they're working.
2018 is the third one with a lot of videos. We've had ...
Jesus loves you/Ignore your DF'd daughter's phone call and glare at her.
StarAngel killes 185,000/Hide in a bunker.
Fishy Jonah runs away/Strongbow Jesus gets the soldiers in the nick of time.
Bollocks! All bollocks I tell thee!
news in general are supposed to be unbiased.
but given how commercial and political interests get their tentacles around them, finding a fully unbiased news website is not so easy.. here in america some would rather trust bbc or reuters than they do cnn or fox news.
any favorites?.
The BBC is my general go to site/news channel. I like Channel 4 sometimes too. Generally I'm story led rather than channel led inasmuch as if something is of deep interest then I will look at several sites for information.
It makes me smile when I hear comments about the BBC having a political bias. Anecdotally I hear far more accusations it has a left wing bias than being "run by pro Tory people."
I believe the BBC it is as good as you are going to get for accuracy. At least there are no advertisers to keep sweet.
a newly published article by british sociologist david voas argues jehovah's witnesses may be about to experience a collapse in numbers.
contrary to claims by american sociologist rodney stark who predicts strong future growth for jehovah's witnesses, voas shows that jehovah's witnesses' efforts at recruiting new members have become increasingly unsuccessful over the past few decades: the rate of increase has steadily declined, and the number of hours each publisher must preach to produce an extra convert has gone up substantially.
voas suggests a reason for the stagnation may be that there is a natural limit to the number of people in a given population that are susceptible to conversion to sectarian groups like jehovah's witnesses - the 'carrying capacity' of the population, and that the limit has largely been reached.
The numbers are propped up by modern medicine and the no-smoking trend. The oldies (late 60's up) in our cong of 65 publishers = 20 (plus 3 who have died in the last 12 months).
The only incomers are those moving in - no new blood except a few weirdo's who seem to make no progress beyond attending an occasional meeting. Only 3 born-ins under 15 as well.
That's 30% who are between 68 and 88 years old ...
They ain't gonna live forever!
i am really disturbed by some methods that jw family members try and use to emotionally manipulate us back into the organization.. one of our fellow posters here has had a family member send several photos of them as a child either out witnessing, and at an assembly.. no words - just those pictures.. it seems such an infantile and manipulative technique to employ?!.
do they think that we will all simply ignore the logical and factual reasons we no longer attend, just because we see some sentimental picture?
do they not see that this actually may reinforce our understanding that we were raised as children in a high-control religious group where we had to please our parents.
"Concerned" relative: "Well, Freddo if you don't get into the New System you won't see your (dead) parents in Paradise, will you?"
Freddo: "Well ... I suppose I have the small consolation of not having to help bury a billion dead children and babies slaughtered at Armageddon ... and just imagine the smell after a week or two."
2018-05-17-boejune's local needs!.
Not exactly fulano. This video will replace the local needs in the UK.
So where the local "loving" shepherds will prepare something really christian like helping orphans and widows in their tribulation or visiting the housebound or somesuch, instead they will trumpet the latest spiel on the great white elephant at Chelmsford.
Of course including "loving reminders" as to how we can "get involved" especially by way of our donations and Sophia's ice cream money.
i need a bit of advice.
i've been pimo for a long time and fading more and more.
i occasionally attend for family but never give any answers or actively participate in any way.
CoBE: "So Freddo, the Circuit Overseer and I would like to visit you to offer some encouragement."
Freddo: "How very thoughtful! But I think I will decline your kind offer as I already had Brothers Hopkins and Stearne come round only a few months ago. They told me all I need to know."
CoBE: "Who? Who are they? We don't have a Brother Hopkins or a Brother Stearne on the body of elders, Freddo."
Freddo: "You think not?"
CoBE: ????? (Then he goes and looks up the names.)
well, i got to see the final day of this years regional convention.and i saw something that disturbs me.. the final, "summing up review" video.
it disturbs me because it was so well done.
(i wish i could remember the title of the song), to the strains of a solo vocalist singing in a fine "irish tenor", we see the actors from the previous videos of the last few days all assembling together in a clearing.
Trouble is "Days of" that those studies (who likely are not the most robust of critical thinkers already) will ONLY see the "soldiers" taken out - not the nice crossing patrol lady down by the school or the kids that she helps cross the road.
The study will not equate the "wicked" with "all non-jw's" from the video.
You would need a good old fashioned ground opening, people and pet swallowing, car falling, fire and brimstone video for that.