Does the WTS think Jesus was a liar or a fool?
They don't care - they just use him as a tool.
the whole idea of a great apostasy means that jesus was lying [or he was a crazy fool] when he said that he would be with his church until the end of the age.
matt 28- 18then jesus came to them and said, “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
19therefore go and make disciples of allnations, baptizing them in the name of the father,and of the son, and of the holy spirit, 20and teaching them to obey all that i have commanded you.
Does the WTS think Jesus was a liar or a fool?
They don't care - they just use him as a tool.
the talk of the cry for "peace & security" from the sunday morning program.
I remember that jws. (Bold added by me but italics are in the original text)
*** tp chap. 7 p. 85 pars. 30-31 When Will the Foretold World Destruction Come? ***
30 Yet one more event will come as an unmistakable signal that world destruction is imminent. Of this the apostle Paul wrote: “Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. Whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them . . . and they will by no means escape.”—1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3; Luke 21:34, 35.
31 The world’s leaders know that a nuclear war means virtual extinction. Also, critical problems such as pollution, the population explosion, and domestic problems demand attention and money. So they want to relax the strained international relations. An evidence of this is the proclamation by the United Nations of 1986 as the ‘international year of peace and security.’ This, no doubt, is a step toward the fulfillment of Paul’s above-quoted words. Of course, political negotiations and treaties are not making any real changes in people to cause them to love one another. They are not putting a stop to crime, nor are they eliminating disease and death. Yet the prophecy shows that the time will come when the nations will declare that they have achieved a measure of “peace and security.” When that happens, then “sudden destruction” will come “instantly” upon those misleaders of mankind, along with all who put their trust in them.
yep, taps out, throws in the towel, waves the white flag!
in today's watchtower it basically said don't expect any results due to widespread apathy and opposition.
but you can still bear fruit just by going through the motions of being regular in field service.
Yep - I had a discussion with another PIMO who went to this and he said that the WT conductor said the fruit of the work is scattering seeds not the actual fruit that grows.
Most of the answers were self justification about how "this article makes me feel good even though I don't get much in the way of results."
So a big pat on the back for sitting on your derriere watching the world go by and having the bus driver call out "Good Job!" and a kiddie "waves" on her way to school.
And the only really commendable thing that happened was that some "worldly" gave them a bunch of flowers.
5 hours a day, six days a week on a trolley in your eighties. 30 hours and no response;
this is self explanatory.
please if you are in a commonwealth country write /phone /fax your local member to support tr release from his current place of imprisonment.. you may not receive any reply but do so anyway.
Anyway - stop worrying about Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, he's getting three square meals a day, TV, exercise and enjoying the kudos from his fellow lags (and probably a good few of his guards) - he might even be writing another book.
He'll be out before Xmas.
well, its that time where i have to go to the boring convention.
so, i wanted to know if anyone had any good ideas on how too pass the time (i cant just try and listen i fall will asleep and i cant let that happen).. (only got a few weeks before i have to go its going too kill me but i got too do it).
To a degree Wake me up is causing divisions in opposition to Jehovah so she will have to be put adjacent to the hippopotamus.
That's my angle on it anyway.
this post is for the lurking dub.
the pimc (physically in, mentally confused) lurker dub.
the guy who reads the watchtower stuff and scratches his head, sure something is amiss but not sure of what’s really happening.. it may also be of some interest to those curious of the nuts and bolts of watchtower’s methods of scripture twisting.. in tonight’s “digging for spiritual gems: (8 min.
Excellent synopsis LMS. I always found this lame explanation troublesome.
And PIMC - we have a new and brilliant acronym. So accurate for many at the KH
this is self explanatory.
please if you are in a commonwealth country write /phone /fax your local member to support tr release from his current place of imprisonment.. you may not receive any reply but do so anyway.
Is that all you got from my post Simon?
this is self explanatory.
please if you are in a commonwealth country write /phone /fax your local member to support tr release from his current place of imprisonment.. you may not receive any reply but do so anyway.
I dunno Simon - I just don't see pro-Islam lies and propaganda in Abaddon's posts. I see a well put point of view that is pro-moderate and anti extremist.
Cofty puts a well reasoned point of view too in that Islam is the religion presently used by most extremists to foment their evil.
I believe that British money spent on schools (e.g.) in Pakistan (e.g.) is one of the best ways to spend foreign aid. And with the British background I believe we should spend on foreign aid especially in ex empire countries we have had strong links with. Also building relationships through common sports such as cricket is good too.
I also believe that any religious extremist that kills or threatens to kill should be dealt with severely. Life imprisonment and death penalty included.
Also that anyone (in general terms) who is in a western country illegally should be immediately returned to their country of origin. If they come back then they should be imprisoned for a year before being sent back. Come again and caught then (say) five years.
i dressed up in a hoodie, double layer so that the cameras at the kingdom hall couldn't recognize me.
i looked in the mirror up and down so i knew that the cameras, at least at the angle that i knew couldn't see my face.
i took this disassociation letter, stuck it in the envelope, labeled it, "(congregation's name...boe" by hand and sealed it.
What's the situation with your wife LTPF? Any change in her view?
yesterday i drove passed a town a couple of hours from my home and saw this kh under construction.
this is the first new design kh i've seen in washington state even though i would think by now another one or two have been built.
maybe not with their financial situation being the way it is.
What a ghastly looking building!
It looks like a war-bunker.