The worst I ever did was have a few pints at the pub. The bonus was frequent trips to the toilet in the afternoon session and a reason for a walk around.
Posts by freddo
Craziest thing you ever did during intermission at a Circuit Assembly
by Esse quam videri in1970 - there was a local drag strip a few miles away from the hall rented for the circuit assembly.
i was 18 , tim o. was 16 and wayne d. was 18. wayne had a 1955 chevy 4 door, 6 cylinder and fresh paint job.
tim had his dad'ss 1965 chevy half ton.
Day 1 - Fessler vs. Watchtower – Opening Statements and Motions in Jehovah’s Witness Child Abuse Trial
by AndersonsInfo innews bulletin: fessler versus watchtower – opening statements and motions in jehovah’s witness child abuse trial – day 1. .
posted on february 12, 2017. city hall, philadelphia, pennsylvania.
on a cold philadelphia morning the 7th of february, 2017, stephanie fessler walked into the court of common pleas of pennsylvania, first judicial district, civil trial division.
Ooops! wrong thread.
Day 1 - Fessler vs. Watchtower – Opening Statements and Motions in Jehovah’s Witness Child Abuse Trial
by AndersonsInfo innews bulletin: fessler versus watchtower – opening statements and motions in jehovah’s witness child abuse trial – day 1. .
posted on february 12, 2017. city hall, philadelphia, pennsylvania.
on a cold philadelphia morning the 7th of february, 2017, stephanie fessler walked into the court of common pleas of pennsylvania, first judicial district, civil trial division.
Actually that is a good point jwleaks - in fact if she lied "wilfully" she should have been DF'd shouldn't she?
What do these guys (WT & Elders) say in their prayers at night?
I thought it was time to talk.....
by wozza ini'd like to relate an experience i had yesterday with a couple of jw's "working" with a cart yesterday.. been coming to this site for many years and these days i don't feel i've got much to contribute ,but i was out yesterday doing some voluntary work for a friend who has gone on an overseas trip .travelling around my local seaside area doing the job at hand ,i came across a couple of jw's sitting in a shelter overlooking the beach and had their trolley propped against a large public rubbish bin ,it was actually hard to see ithe trolley from most angles - whatever happened to lifting the basket to show the light stuff ...oh well .the large carpark was pretty empty except for us ,we've had pretty wet weather here lately ,bad storms and here they were set up for a days witnessing rugged up with wind and spitting rain ,i sort of thought " well that's dedication " ....that was my first thought then i pulled myself together and then thought "if i wanted to get some time in and not have to work at it too hard this maybe the place to go if i was a jw still".. well i finished my pickup and looked over at the two and realised i'd read other's experiences about approaching the cart people and wondered if talking to them would be of any benefit as i had witnessed this area for many years and my stance against the wts for hiding molestation of children is well known ,i thought, and they avoid me like the plague.. they were'nt familiar to me so i went up to them and introduced myself and quickly let them know who i was and what i am doing now as regards jw's.
they were a married couple middle aged been in for a long time and could relate to changes in the org very well to pre 1975 when i had first contact.
they pretty much suggested i was blinded to the truth ,when challenged on the royal commission into sex abuse they pointed to a case where they believed a victim they supposedly knew of in the jws was a liar ,so that's their case for the org -unbelievable.
Is the guy in the phone booth phoning them and pretending to be Jehovah God?
"Hey guys I split the Red Sea and brought the Flood now I want to tell you something really important - young lady, your skirt is a little short and a little tight and you brother, your shirt is just too colourful!
If you don't obey Tomo3 and make him look good I'm going to smite you!"
Just sharing-Ex JW's in Media
by Confusedandangry in
i'm not sure if anyone has already posted this link or info on deborah frances white.
i just wanted to share for anyone interested in hearing her experience.
Actually she does mention it if you click on "about Deborah".
Danish Witnesses New Tactic for NH
by konceptual99 inseems like jws in denmark are using a new tactic to reach people not at home - text messages....
it's in swedish but translates with google translate quite nicely..
I know round my way in the UK congregation members will text their calls and count them as RV's and even Bible Studies if there are enough of them (texts).
Childless elders need to piss off
by Steel inanyone else think it's wrong to ask a women with small children to volunteer there time, ask if they like to come to a potential study etc etc?.
my wife just spent an entire day helping with a kingdom hall reno while i babysat.
i latter stepped out and saw half the elders having coffee because they had so many people show up, they were tripping over each other.. i also have no idea what tangible skill my wife offered or why it is important she needs to be there.. i just wish these men would man up and be men, instead of just wasting everyone's time on purpose.
Ah ... the art of saying "NO".
I remember a few years back when my report dropped below the required level to run a microphone that two elders - including my group overseer "encouraged" me and said they would lift my burden by taking my KH assignments (microphone duty and sound desk duty) AKA "privileges" from me.
Two weeks later my group overseer asked if I could help with hall cleaning and I said that sorry but I no longer had "privileges".
He said that kingdom hall cleaning wasn't a part of "privileges" and that I could help out. (He said it like he was granting me a favour!)
He was most put out when I said "Sorry! If I can't lift a microphone, I can't lift a toilet cleaning brush either; find someone else, BROTHER!"
Circuit Assemblies in the "Good Old Days"
by BluesBrother injust been reminiscing about how c/a's have changed since we were young.
i remember when they started friday night in some rented hall , as well as the two weekend days.
saturday morning was a brief session then field ministry (which only a few performed ) and sunday sessions.. in the free time around the venue we just used to hang out socialising and eyeing up the girls.
I caught the tail end of feeding lines and rented halls and Friday night entertainment. And David Carter was a highlight as both a Cricuit and a District overseer in his heyday.
What would you say to the HH if you could?
by purrpurr inok so there's no other jws in earshot and your on the ministry, the hh comes to the door, what would you say to them about jws if you could?.
would you explain why your there when you don't want to be?.
would you warn them about it being a cult?.
Even before I reduced my "ministry" to a once a month showing and a fake 2 or 3 hours on my report my door knocking went like this.
Look at NH slip (AKA S-8) and say there are 2 dozen NH's to do.
Choose first one and pretend to press bell. Wait about 30 seconds and pretend press again. If the first house is not home then I would leave it on the slip as a NH. I would also cross off a few of the NH's anyway to leave long walking gaps between.
Let's say I find someone who comes to the door.
If elderly I always said "Hello Sir/Madam, my name's (Freddo) and I live in the neighbourhood (might be five miles away but hey!) and I wanted to ask for some advice - do you think there will ever be a time when there will be no more war?
Obviously they will either say "Not interested" (Great!) or "No."
If they say "No." then I asked "Can you remember WW2?" and off they go. YAK YAK YAK. stand there for sometime talking about my Uncle Billy who was in the RAF or Uncle Stan who was in the Royal Navy and if I was lucky they'd talk about the "Blitz" by the Luftwaffe and I'd learn something about what it was like to grow up during the war.
More often than not though, out of 2 dozen NH's I would find one or two in and get "Go away" or "not interested", cross off about half the NH's anyway and hand them back to the territory chap a week or two later.
by blondie inin 4 segments because won't post all.. .
segment 1. .
blondie’s comments on the february 12, 2017 wt study (november 2016) (minds on spirit).
Luke 12 v 16-21 Rich man and bigger stoehouses.
So WTS, you wouldn't be tearing down old KH's and bethels or selling them off and building flashier, unneeded ones in Warwick USA and Chelmsford UK would you?