Toes up said ... "We were told that they are laying off 50ish Bethelites. A comment was made, "they are still young enough to pick up and get a job."
"WT only cares about WT and what it "appears" to be. "
Happened to a couple last year - here in the UK. Landed in our circuit.
He's mid fifties, she's late 40's.
He's a pleasant enough mediocre elder by all accounts who let slip that his world had been turned upside down and that he cried when told he was getting the "bumsrush" after 25 years in Bethel.
Poor sod is working as a window washer (what else?) for another brother who has built an office and window cleaning empire. He's not pioneering.
The wife has a part time job as a care assistant for the NHS and pioneers.
They live in a flat on a council estate (local authority/social housing area) owned by the "worldly" husband of a nice sister at a rent about 20% cheaper than market rates.
So who pays their wages and gives them a good deal? Worldly organisation, worldly landlord and a brother who gets "frowned upon" for being materialistic.
55 and out on his ass!