Hobbies? Especially ones you can do alone or with others. Volunteer for the local charity shop?
In England you sometimes get a free parish magazine or community newspaper delivered. They often list what's happening locally for the month ahead. For example in the one round here for June there is the following:
4 Saturday Coffee mornings at the local community hall
1st Monday evening - Free computer advice clinic - neighbouring village hall.
1st Weds evening - Table tennis - beginners welcome at 7pm - experienced 8pm
2nd Friday evening - Pub Quiz. Make a team of four or five or phone xyz678 if you'd like to be in one.
Every other Thursday 7pm - gardening tips from "Old Grumpy Gardener" at the allotments. (Weather permitting)
3rd Saturday afternoon - village tidy up - bring gardening gloves and plastic bag - meet at war memorial - 2pm.
Last Tuesday evening - meet with the local police officer to discuss concerns/initiatives for the area - bring a packet of biscuits - tea and coffee provided.
Movie Night - Saturday evening 25th June - £2.50 entry. 7pm "Dead Poet's Society" - Village Hall. Cold soft drink provided.