The last sort of glimmer of JW camaraderie I experienced was at Twickenham in 2014. 40,000/50,000 odd I think. Before that it was outdoor stadiums with about 8,000 to 12,000 so fairly sizeable. (Going way back to early Twickenham, Swindon, Southampton, Bournemouth and Cardiff in the 70's through 90's it was 10K to 30K and Wembley of 1969 with a peak of 80K)
It was wearing thin by then (2014) But that was the last jw camaraderie I experienced in the UK. After that it has been indoor arenas with less than 6,000. Souless dumps - but in 2015 and 2016 I was missing the Friday and this year I will probably show up just for the Sunday "to keep the peace".