Keeping fingers (and everything else) crossed so that all continues to go well!
Posts by freddo
She's here and early! 27 weeks 1day.
by Darkknight757 inso as of july 2nd my wife delivered by c-section our little one pound, three ounce daughter izabella.
it was a very scary night that started with a decel and turned into multiple decels that greatly concerned the doctors.
by early morning they felt the need to take her for her safety.
Dutch conventions organized like circuits
by Gorbatchov inhere in holland is organizing for the first time the yearly conventions like circuits.
the whole summer the new convention hall is used for small group conventions instead of 10.000 seat external halls.. it keeps the money in the organization.
not renting external buildings.. the 29.000 witnesses here are divided now into 2.000 seat audience.. g..
The last sort of glimmer of JW camaraderie I experienced was at Twickenham in 2014. 40,000/50,000 odd I think. Before that it was outdoor stadiums with about 8,000 to 12,000 so fairly sizeable. (Going way back to early Twickenham, Swindon, Southampton, Bournemouth and Cardiff in the 70's through 90's it was 10K to 30K and Wembley of 1969 with a peak of 80K)
It was wearing thin by then (2014) But that was the last jw camaraderie I experienced in the UK. After that it has been indoor arenas with less than 6,000. Souless dumps - but in 2015 and 2016 I was missing the Friday and this year I will probably show up just for the Sunday "to keep the peace".
Watchtower teaches that Jesus dying on the stake is no longer certain
by Listener inthe watchtower has held for many years that jesus died on a stake and held strongly to this teaching.
w 1951 3/15 the above agrees with the new world translation of the christian greek scriptures in its appendix, page 769, in saying that the instrument upon which jesus was nailed was a stake without a crossbeam, and not the religiously represented “cross”; and that the greek word used for that instrument in ancient time meant a “stake” and not the conventional religious cross.
they are no longer certain on this point.
SBF said - "I think they previously conceded it might be a cross shape but said ultimately it doesn't matter."
Yes I seem to remember this too SBF.
by Nicholaus Kopernicus inwe decided to add the graphic showing my name and position so that you are all made aware that i'm a big cheese among jehovah's witnesses.
for example, i'm not backward about being forward!
so when i made a speech against wearing tight pants some thought i'd be deleted from the governing body!
Oh yeah and don't stay in your comfort zone or go after material things and support the brothers in your congregation by "reaching out" like we said in the Watchtower today.
Don't take a better job and go for a comfortable life. The Governing Body loves you, remember!
No go field service days
by Steel init's canada day today and not just any canada day, it's canada's 150 birthday.
for some strange reason i was actually able to reason with my wife day and she agreed with me.
field service on a special day wouldn't be appropriate.
When I was an elder and group overseer - it was the day of Princess Diana's (Saturday 6th Sept 1997) funeral - and even I could see this wasn't the best idea to go knocking on doors.
The UK - especially England - had lost its stiff upper lip in a week of blubbing and emotion and I will admit I was effected too by the wall-to-wall images on the TV from the news channels.
I made the decision that "my" group would not have an arrangement that Saturday morning in view of the public mood, many of whom would be watching the funeral cortege on TV.
There was another elder in my group and his wife (who I got on very well with) phoned me up to lambast me and tell me how bad she thought it was that there was no group.
I said "fine - if you or any one else want to go out you can have the map and go - but for me and mine; we're not." She was not a happy bunny.
Of course some ubers went out, doesn't every hall have some? Less now thankfully.
Witnesses Respond After Inferno Consumes Apartment Building in London
by NikL injehovah’s witnesses are assisting victims of a catastrophic fire that engulfed the grenfell tower, a 24-story apartment building in the north kensington area of london, in the early morning hours of june 14, 2017. authorities are reporting that at least 79 people were killed.. four witnesses were evacuated from the apartment building, two of whom were residents of grenfell tower.
fortunately, none of them were injured, although the witnesses’ apartments were among those completely destroyed in the blaze.
witnesses that live near the now fire-gutted apartment building provided food, clothing, and monetary aid to their fellow members and their families that were affected.
London Bethel is less than ten miles from this tower - what are those self serving bastards on the Branch Committee doing to help?
For all in the USA - Happy 4th of July!
by ttdtt init's nice to say that:).
i am looking forward to a 4th party with "worldly people" and fireworks!.
The Colonies have declared Independence!!!??? How dare they?
I shall write to "The Times" in the strongest possible terms!
The saddest song of all time?
by Bad_Wolf ini would pick this one
i don't know how so many are happy or fine if thinking this life is it.
haven't lost parents yet, but when with them, sometimes i'll think of this song.
Can't find "hot" article through the WT Library Search?
by StephaneLaliberte ini just saw a video from mike and kim where (@6:00) she says:.
you know what i noticed in the new watchtower cd-roms?
is when you do a search for certain things that they would deem maybe apostates or certain questions, you can't find them in the search.. i know that sometimes, they get carried away and are not always factual.
"You can search with "pi*atas" or "pi*ata""
Oh yeah! Thanks.
Can't find "hot" article through the WT Library Search?
by StephaneLaliberte ini just saw a video from mike and kim where (@6:00) she says:.
you know what i noticed in the new watchtower cd-roms?
is when you do a search for certain things that they would deem maybe apostates or certain questions, you can't find them in the search.. i know that sometimes, they get carried away and are not always factual.
I know that if you search for the article on the pinata and the question from readers about why pinatas are ok but not other celebrations you get nothing if you don't put the accent thingummy above the "n" it doesn't show.
This one ... italics mine.
Piñatas I read with interest the article “The Piñata—An Ancient Tradition.” (September 22, 2003) It left me with some questions. The ties to false religion are well-documented. But the article seemed to take the position that as long as it doesn’t bother someone’s conscience, it is OK. What about birthdays and holidays such as Christmas?
S. W., United States
“Awake!” responds: Christians refrain from any celebrations or customs that continue to involve false religious beliefs or activities that violate Bible principles. For example, the Bible definitely puts birthday celebrations in a bad light. (Genesis 40:20; Matthew 14:6-10) However, if it is very obvious that a custom has no current false religious significance and involves no violation of Bible principles, each Christian must make a personal decision as to whether he will follow such a custom.