A little.
But I truly see no point in looking back with regret even though I am in my mid fifties and made some unwise financial decisions (mostly inaction toward retirement planning rather than stupid moves with any spare money) which over the last five to ten years I have slowly tried to rectify.
I love the extra time that being a "name only" semi-active jw allows me to enjoy.
I especially love shrugging my shoulders and smiling at elders who try - less and less now - to get me to reconsider "reaching out" to what I "once was". (To them a busy elder - to me a busy fool.)
I also have a little group of like minded "brothers" around the circuit that I can vent with and socialise with even to the extent of laughing with each other about Stephen Lett, winking at the CO's "spin" on meeting attendance and ministry, shaking our heads at the mental cases that have become a significant number in our kingdom halls and rolling our eyes at Regional Convention crappery!