Anyone in the UK standing at the dockside smiling alluringly could end up in big trouble.
could the experience related on p. 6 of the 2009 "bearing thorough witness" about god's kingdom book (the so-called acts commentary) be a motivation for the cart work?
it relates: .
"in the far north, witnesses in alaska take advantage of a unique opportunity to preach during the summer tourist season.
Anyone in the UK standing at the dockside smiling alluringly could end up in big trouble.
since the australian royal commission, a lot of jw elders have been outed for either being pedophiles/molesters or for enabling it.
the jw elders who enabled it, are publicly outed to their community online and offline.
it's become a congregational matter with the entire kingdom hall and someone said that this elder would lose his eldership possibly, due to it "being known in the congregation and community" that he enabled child sexual abuse.
As you know darkspilver - standard jw procedure when there is an appeal committee is to have the original committee sat in the same room.
Procedure AFAIK is -
Local Elders initiate contact to CO - "We have a decision appealed."
CO - "I'll send three brothers."
Bigger cases.
CO to Branch "Got a tough one here boys whad'll I do?"
Branch - "We'll sort it and arrange a "Special Committee."
In either case the original elders initiate contact up the food chain.
we have had a week or so of occasional national news and certainly local news about this case in north west england.
it is on the government charity website too.. is anyone able to furnish the forum with any information about how it is being perceived in the local community - especially the local jw's?.
or anywhere else?.
We have had a week or so of occasional national news and certainly local news about this case in north west England. It is on the government charity website too.
Is anyone able to furnish the forum with any information about how it is being perceived in the local community - especially the local JW's?
Or anywhere else?
since the australian royal commission, a lot of jw elders have been outed for either being pedophiles/molesters or for enabling it.
the jw elders who enabled it, are publicly outed to their community online and offline.
it's become a congregational matter with the entire kingdom hall and someone said that this elder would lose his eldership possibly, due to it "being known in the congregation and community" that he enabled child sexual abuse.
I wonder how the elders in the New Moston, Manchester, England case are faring? The ones that sparked the UK Charity Commission investigation - because they made the sex abuse survivors testify against their abuser face to face - which in turn has made the national news and mainstream media this week?
If it suits the branch they will have parts on the assembly program. Also if it suits the branch they will be demoted. I guess the branch will do neither for the time being.
I don't think the branch is at the stage (i.e. under enough fire) where it is expedient to demote them ... yet.
yes folks.
over the past few days i can honestly say the convention was relatively quite good.
most of the talks, videos, symposiums were in line with scripture if you have faith in the bible.
Like I said it's a non-sequitur. It doesn't follow there is going to be a WW3.
Mankind has had the potential to wipe each other out with nuclear weapons since - if not 1945 - then certainly the early 1950's when three nations had atomic weapons and 1962 when USA and USSR faced each other off at Cuba with ICBM's.
So once again WT is saying that potential earthwide destruction is a sign of "how very deep we are" in the time of the end and has been saying it - YAWN - for at least 55 to 65 years.
Just another BULL-istic missile in their BULL-shit arsenal of mind control weapons.
yes folks.
over the past few days i can honestly say the convention was relatively quite good.
most of the talks, videos, symposiums were in line with scripture if you have faith in the bible.
"On the other hand he was much more confident delivering what I think is the strongest JW argument for living in the "last days". That's the observation that WW2 is pretty much the worst war humanity can ever expect to fight without ending civilisation itself. So therefore the end must come before a future war escalates into nuclear holocaust and the end of humanity."
Again it's a non-sequiter.
But anyway let's start with WW2 and it's scale. Surprisingly there are wars from before 1914 that run it close in number of deaths and casualities.
The Taiping rebellion of the mid 19th centurty has various estimates between 20 and 100 million deaths.
The Three Kingdoms war of 3rd century AD has various estimates between 36 and 40 million.
The Mongol Conquests of 13th and 14th century come out at 30 to 40 million.
So plenty of wars to link to bible prophecy. And as a percentage of the world population these wars are "bigger" than WW2.
Now also why should a "future war escalate to a World War and thus to nuclear annhilation?" If it didn't 1962 and the 1970's and 80's when nuclear weapon stickpiles were three times as great? Just because it could doesn't mean it will.
And as mentioned above - we have had 72 years without war on the scale of WW2, WW1 and the wars I have mentioned above.
as i have come to see i have way more friends at school than my kingdom hall but if i get asked about school and i say something about my friends or ask to hang out with my friends to my aunt she gives me a talk about not to like worldly people to much.. for example i ask to go to my friends house (that is a girl)i have known her from 1st grade and my aunt gets mad at me saying what if she says i raped her or something but she lets me go by my self with brothers to hang out if i want but theres a chance i will get raped there to.. read my other posts to understand my story .
It's not your "theme" I take issue with "Rainbow Troll" nor my feeling comfortable or not about it.
It's the fact that this thread is started by a young teenager and you are at least on the face of it divulging your experiences of underage intimacy in some detail.
as i have come to see i have way more friends at school than my kingdom hall but if i get asked about school and i say something about my friends or ask to hang out with my friends to my aunt she gives me a talk about not to like worldly people to much.. for example i ask to go to my friends house (that is a girl)i have known her from 1st grade and my aunt gets mad at me saying what if she says i raped her or something but she lets me go by my self with brothers to hang out if i want but theres a chance i will get raped there to.. read my other posts to understand my story .
Err ... that is a really weird post "Rainbow Troll". Reilly weird.
I hope it gets removed. Especially as this thread has been started by someone who is a young teenager.
yes folks.
over the past few days i can honestly say the convention was relatively quite good.
most of the talks, videos, symposiums were in line with scripture if you have faith in the bible.
"SBF" - you said:
"On the other hand he was much more confident delivering what I think is the strongest JW argument for living in the "last days". That's the observation that WW2 is pretty much the worst war humanity can ever expect to fight without ending civilisation itself. So therefore the end must come before a future war escalates into nuclear holocaust and the end of humanity."
So why didn't "the end" come before the Cuban missile crisis of 1962? Or the 1970's and 80's when the the Cold War between the two heaviest armed blocks of nations pointed over 25,000 nuclear warheads EACH at the other?
(Nowadays those two blocks have "only" 7000 each.)
Hang on - don't tell me - it must be the false cry of "peace and security!"
i have been wondering, if the 1975 prediction was just a rumour started by the rank & file as the wt claims, then how did jws in other countries, a part from the u.s., also come to know about the prediction?.
i started studying with the jws during the 80s when i was a child.
while attending one of my first meetings during that time, a brother commented during the wt study that armageddon did not come in 1975 because it was not known how many years after adam, eve was created.. at the time, i hadn't a clue what the guy was talking about.
It didn't bite them in the ass, except for a small dip in numbers in about 78' and 79', by which time Knorr was dead and GB 1.0 and Franz let '75 morph into the "generation" that would not pass away. They continued spouting nonsense in the 1980's until Freddie croaked in 1992.
Then in 1995 the boys in Brooklyn dropped the "real" generation, the century turned and finally by 2010, with the death of Jaracz, GB 1.0 had gone.
The last death twitchings of "generation one" had gone from being possible in the minds of all who hung on to it by 2014.
Now it is GB 2.0 getting bitten in the ass.