The supreme goal for the upper echelons is survival as controllers of this religion/cult. To that end they will do everything they have to because they have no true principles. Only if the USA government truly crackdown on them do I see a fragmentation or collapse happening. Jwborg via the internet is all reaching and global.
Sadly in my view the USA government is a little behind the curve than other "western" democracies are on in protecting its citizens from businesses masquerading as religions.
So although they don't consciously see it the upper echelons (The GB/The Accountants/The Lawyers) will slowly morph and drop the most extreme views - but only when it hurts them too much financially or reduces their control over the flock they fleece.
They may be financially hurting but what do they need for control? Once Warwick is finished it can be maintained for at least 50 years. Five big branches, one on each continent and a small number of sub branches for groups of countries and they can roll on indefinitely.
They will not go any time soon. But their numbers will drop slowly and more will escape. It will be patchy but more - if only a handful in each hall - will roll their eyes and "play the game". And a few will take their lumps and walk away into inactivity or DA.
The quality of those that remain will get more flaky and crazy and there will be those that return when the next earthquake (real or financial) happens or terrorist atrocity or nuclear weapon detonates only to leave when things quieten down again.