Confirmation Bias at its finest.
Charles Taze Russell fired an arrow into a fence and you have painted a target around it.
the purpose of this thread is to share some history with the community.
i am an active jw.
the reason i picked this forum is due to the openness and ease with which information can be accessed.
Confirmation Bias at its finest.
Charles Taze Russell fired an arrow into a fence and you have painted a target around it.
i have a bad feeling that the annual report in the form that we can analytically use, will no longer be available.
according the post agm letter, it said "this information will be published in the 'about us' section of" however when you go to that page, there are already a country by country listing of statistics.
the problem is that, the numbers displayed at the moment are not the whole story we used to get.
I suspect this too.
For the GB, the figures from all the branches will likely be in for the 2017 service year and will have been by the AGM. If they had made good reading then they would have highlighted some at the AGM.
I think in descending order we may no longer see actual figures of anything that makes AM3 not "look good."
another agm thought.
in tight pants tony's part, he mentioned several times that jehovah draws those he chooses and only those rightly disposed would come in.
and individuals that liked the literature but made no progress towards becoming jw were a "waste of time".. was he setting the stage for them introducing the thought of predestination?
What inferences might we draw from reports of AM3 and from his life article in the magazines?
Not predestination but the usual self-justification, self importance and irritability that are the hallmarks of this man. He is also an "all-for-show", judgemental, overbearing man. My belief is that his "people are a waste of time" statement is fed from the above traits.
He's irritable because he knows revenue is down because not enough donations come in from the "wonderful" literature or the rank and file jw's.
His self-importance comes through in as much as his feelings are projected on to an audience that has little choice but to listen. (Tight pants etc.)
The "all-for-show" came in the article about his life where he said his sons "made him look good" - this is where War-wick as a venue and the swanky JWTV studio with its "suits" and jewellery comes in.
The overbearing and judgemental comments about "people being a waste of time" and non-MS males (by the age of 23) being a poor choice of marriage mate.
He is a supercilious shit who stuffs his porky face and lives high on the hog of donations of people he feels contempt for and those who died believing the nonsense portrayed in the "wonderful literature."
I wish ill on very few people in this world but I hope AM3 has the rudest of awakenings.
since the advent of the trolleys do the majority of jws still go door to door like we used to?.
do they still have meetings for field service on sat mornings and sun afternoons where most head off to the local territory while one or two go to do trolley work or has the importance of door to door work reduced?.
with the reduction of printing wts and awakes what will they offer at the doors?.
since the advent of the trolleys do the majority of jws still go door to door like we used to?.
do they still have meetings for field service on sat mornings and sun afternoons where most head off to the local territory while one or two go to do trolley work or has the importance of door to door work reduced?.
with the reduction of printing wts and awakes what will they offer at the doors?.
Round my way, as Slidin Fast says "the morning starts well but after the first half hour ..." (I paraphrase)
The Pioneers and their "spiritual" friends man a trolley three times a week or soon disappear to do "calls" only to surface at the coffee stop which is typically an hour after they have met and left the meeting for field service.
Any other "average" publisher that turns up and who hasn't tagged along with the group above will struggle through about 45 minutes of first call before hitting the coffee stop.
After 30 mins to 45 mins of coffee the keeners go off to their trolley stint or a bible study with some needy/lonely/vulnerable/simpleton (any or all of these) or "calls" on some kindly/tolerant/lonely route call. (If they are NH it is a bonus because they can "try" a few more times in the coming weeks before stuffing a magazine through the letter box with a note)
The "also rans" just mumble about doing a call on the way home and disappear.
Saturday Mornings:
As above with less of the keeners (who are on trolleys/metropolitan trolleys or not out) and more "averages"/"also rans"/"bottom feeders" who traipse around ineffectively - occasionally with an elder driving by to ask "do you need more territory?".
Some will show up at the coffee stop which dissipates about 30 minutes to an hour later.
Sundays - virtually non existent (except Metro shifts)
the cover page shows a photo jws loading a small plane with watchtower literature to take to a remote area in bolivia.the first study article introduces the 2018 year text isa.
40:31 "those hoping in jehovah will regain power".
according to them, you may leave home to do field service or attend a meeting feeling exhausted but you return home refreshed and 'jesus' yoke is kindly indeed!
I wonder if the "executive from a large company" worked for MAN Roland printing presses and was buttering up what was then a good customer?
page 19, paragraph 12: "with prayerful consideration, the governing body strives to be faithful and discreet with regard to how the organization’s funds are used.".
yeah, i "prayed" too - that more and more j.w.
's would discover that millions of dollars of their hard-earned cash were being misused to shut the mouths of j.w.
I'm surprised your CoBE even asked if there were any questions, NBD.
Any resolution I have ever sat through didn't have an invitation for questions included.
a nonprofit corporation .
watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania .
private bag wg-5001, westgate, zimbabwe telephone 08677 004 012; 0772 472 403/4 .
I hope it's not so much an exciting decision as an exiting decision.
a friend of mine has contacts to a family with several circuit overseers and special pioneers.
they have good connections to bethel.. he told me that the latest rumor from bethel states that the cos should be abolished in their present form.
they have also recently begun to take cos back to bethel.. over the same channel i have already heard of the car fleet program and that the dos should be abolished.. has anyone else already heard of it?
SBF - The regular CO change (under the three year system) isn't until Sept 2018 for the UK.
there seems to be some confusion over what is happening with the study edition of the watchtower - i notice it isn't mentioned in the letter to be read out.
if, as seems likely, it is going to be dumbed down even further then i think this could be the first step to shortening the watchtower study (to 30 mins?
) - it is the only meeting not to have been reduced in recent years.
SF said ... I think this could be the first step to shortening the watchtower study (to 30 mins?) ...
Oh please God, yes!