So they can't foretell two years ahead that they don't need a "printery"?
These are the same guys who are telling us we don't need to worry about growing old and dying in this system?
october 31, 2017 to all congregations re: new visitor exhibit at bethel.
So they can't foretell two years ahead that they don't need a "printery"?
These are the same guys who are telling us we don't need to worry about growing old and dying in this system?
i'm an active elder, cobe, just got home from the meeting where i handled the treasures part and concluded by announcing a friend of mine has been d/f,.....blah blah blah...and over the last year have woken up.
i simply cannot spill my guts to my wife and children as it would be family suicide.
i have zero desire to bash, spread my feelings, or become an "apostate".
Brian J. - Welcome.
Now Stop! Learn from the paths of others on this forum. I have been a well known busy "fool" aka circuit speaker/elder.
You are at a point where I was a few years back. If you have just announced your friend as DF'd you will be in a maelstrom of emotion and at a point you will make irreversible mistakes if you do not stop and do nothing except personal research for the next couple of weeks or longer. Not one word to anyone - especially your wife who may bolt and run/turn you in/meltdown etc. - except on here.
Work out a strategy. Be prepared to use a reverse "Theocratic War Strategy" from day one (like Rahab hiding the spies from those intending harm - and just like the WT does when hiding their disgusting involvement in child abuse cover up when it suits their pockets) and immediately.
As soon as "they" realise there is "something up with Brian" they will turn on you like wolves doing the pack's bidding to preserve themselves and their precious "organisation".
Then after thinking things through you can start your plan to help your wife and progress your resignation/"illness"/fade/inactivity/DA/move away or whatever. It may take months or years (or never) to get where you want to be.
Good luck!
over the years i have seen plenty of elders and ministerial servants touch other j.w's knees, thighs, give very long and intimate hugs, blah, blah, blah.
i know of other sisters who have felt really uncomfortable with such behaviour, but the brothers have just explained that they're being loving as caring christian friends, so they get away with it.
it angers me that no j.w's will speak out about historic or ongoing inappropriate touching for fear of being disfellowshipped or losing the hope of paradise..
Michael Fallon would not be resigning if there were not more similar or more serious incidents to "come out."
Just my opinion.
this is an 'off-topic' continuation of this discussion.
steve2: in britain, growth of publishers is slowing down, if not stagnating.
darkspilver: .
I just remember that as a kid in the UK, Earnest.
The latest OD book almost gives a green light to count what you like. I mean with trolleys and incidental and "on-line" (whether admitted or not) you can count virtually anything.
I reckon Fisherman counts his time on here!
let's play devils advocate here.. put yourself in the governing body's shoes.
they are well aware of all the issues they are facing.
they know their numbers (they 'do the math' as they say in the us).
They have no need to turn things around. They will all be dead or dribbling within 20 years. Plenty of lolly and income for them, legal dept, accounts dept and a dozen "helpers" and hangers-on to run the show from Warwick.
Just keep reducing the branches and committees as and when. Ditto travelling overseers.
Just shout "the love of the greater number is cooling off", sell KH's as needed, keep begging for cash and highlighting "relief works" to get it.
The gullible widows with their property from their unbelieving mates will keep them afloat as they send 1% in disaster relief and crow about it.
Then 10% to JWTV Channel, 10% to running the enforcers (Travelling Overseers), 10% to the cash cows (On line donations, Assembly Halls and property), 20% to Child abuse settlements and the rest to Lakeside central!
my spies tell me that the attendance for hellaby this last sunday was only 600.. that's all i know.
i imagine some on here have perhaps some more insights into why.
however, it seems rather low, don't you think?.
I know Hellaby. Easily would seat 1,000.
This is a pure guess and speculation. Perhaps the circuit that attended is 20 congs x 80 publishers so equals about 1600 pubishers. So too big for one assembly so they divide it in two. So in theory 800 per session.
Apathy could easily drop this into the 600's.
Any football matches in Sheffield that weekend to distract? Oh yes - Sheffield Wednesday vs Barnsley in the Championship league - local match and all that.
hello everyone, my wife wants nothing to do with my awakening.
every time i try explaining something she tells me she doesn't want to hear it.
i believe she's afraid of learning something she's not ready for.
Oh that there was a magic bullet!
I feel your pain.
Looking at berrygerry's (thank you) jborg graph I note a couple of interesting points.
There is a high-ish plateau throughout 2013 - anything to do with the hoopla about the new 2013 revised bible and beamed in meetings from HQ?
Then a drop followed by an all time peak at August 2014 - the big hoopla 100 years conventions - so might the traffic be to do with these?
Then an inexorable drop to a low point now with a slight blip upwards for April 2017 - maybe because that co-relates to the Russia legal ban on jw's? Also this drop is when the GB showed its collective ugly mug on jborg TV!
Looking forward to hearing about it.
Don't forget - goatees, bandannas and sticks and a large inflatable helium filled seven headed dragon.
As per Revelation book pics.
for those who don't know, asexual is someone who feels no sexual desire for other people.
they may often want the companionship of a relationship but with no benefits.
what would the jws view be of a jw dating an asexual worldly person?
Two things ... Worldly Person. Opposite Sex.
Here is the order of things.
1. Counsel.
Then depending whose feathers are ruffled
2. Whispered counsel to others to avoid you then possibly "Marking" for walking disorderly.
3. As mentioned - if you have a snooze on their sofa overnight and the "police" know about it then judicial. They may us their new catch-all "brazen conduct" to do the dirty.