Brilliant news.
By the way there was some QFR or KM article fairly recently saying DF'd should not be made to sit at the back.
Edit: Found it ... 2013 - so not too far back. I've edited it for length.
*** w13 8/15 p. 8 Questions From Readers ***
There is no reason to be unduly concerned about the seating location of a disfellowshipped person in the Kingdom Hall.
... (edited for length)
When it comes to Kingdom Hall seating arrangements, it would seem reasonable that a disfellowshipped minor could also quietly sit with his parents. Since it is not required that a disfellowshipped person sit at the back of the hall, there should be no objection if a disfellowshipped child sits next to his parents, wherever they are sitting.
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Whether a disfellowshipped person sits next to a relative or next to any other member of the congregation should not be a cause for concern as long as he behaves properly. Restricting where a person sits could give rise to various problems, depending on the circumstances. If all present, including faithful relatives, are endeavoring to respect Bible principles relating to disfellowshipping, and it is not becoming a cause for stumbling to the brothers, there is no need to make an issue of the seating arrangements of those attending Christian meetings.