Dunedain's post so chimes with me - not that I count myself as bright as Dunedain's father. But as a reader with a thirst for knowledge, the 1970's fitted the (now obviously wrong) predictions of Freddy so perfectly when I was a teenager.
The late 1960's to 1975 was perfect - a 75 year old born in 1900 saw 1914 "with understanding" - the horrors of WW1/WW2 - the rise and fall of Hitler then Stalin and the nuclear age with fear of WW3 around the Cuban missile crisis in 1962.
"Signs in the stars" with the space race, Vietnam and the King of the North (Communist bloc) pushing into Eastern Europe and putting the King of the South (USA/UK) on the back foot.
Even the jolt of '75 didn't stop the steam roller, because the generation could be stretched to the end of the 20th century - which it almost did.
Now it has crumbled into theatrical scenery - very pretty on the outside but hollowed out and fragile.
How anyone goes with "explane's" overlapping generations (104 years into "invisible kingdom rule") and predict paradise "soon" is beyond me and crazy.
Good money after bad comes to mind; emotionally invested senseless fools pretending the emperor has any clothes at all - let alone new ones!