Password Protected states "That any ex-JW would seek to defend in any way, shape or form a high-control, fanatical religious ideology that seeks to enforce its worldview on anyone, really puzzles me."
Bear in mind that Zeb (A poster for whom I have the utmost respect and whose tireless efforts in Australia with the ARC have won my enduring admiration) started this thread about the relevance of "UK justice" to Tommy Robinson and his conduct on May 25th.
It appears that some on this thread have jumped the gun and having now got more evidence as to what went on and why, are digging their heels in and conflating TR's sentencing with the wider issue of Muslims tolerating and turning a blind eye to their own rapists and groomers. (Who most of, while not dreaming of committing rape or paedophilia will defend their religion's record to the hilt - a bit like JW's?)
Tommy Robinson, to me has done a great deal to expose the tolerance - or at least turning a blind eye - of the Islamic community towards its own paedophiles and rape gangs. However he reminds me of the kind of apostate who shoots from the hip and can sometimes damage the very cause he espouses.
My conclusions for the time being.
Tommy Robinson got what he deserved, he's a twit.
Tommy Robinson has helped expose Muslim rape gangs, he's a hero.
Many/most? Muslims turn a blind eye to pedo gangs and won't report to the authorities.
The authorities are only recently getting away from Political correctness overrulling shouts of racism towards Pakistani Muslims.
Many/most? JW's won't report a suspected pedo either.
Islam as practiced in the middle east and by extremists is not compatible with developed nations populations.
UK justice is ok.