I actually went to a New Kids Concert last year. But I had tons of fun. I wasn't allowed to go when they came to my town in 1988 because my mom said they were "worldly". I had to go to relive my youth.
Posts by lalaa
New Kids on the Block-Your All-time favorite song from them U-tubes welcome
by keyser soze ini know it's difficult to narrow it down to just one song.
between the powerful, kick-ass beat of hangin tough and the hauntingly beautiful melody of i'll be loving you forever, there is such a vast array of musical gold to choose from..
What's for dinner tonight peeps?
by beksbks ini'm having spaghetti and meatballs, salad with blue cheese, and cabernet.
it's the antidote to turkey dinner/leftovers..
Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich and a coke!
How do JWs justify watching vampire shows and movies?
by truthseeker ini know of a few jws who enjoy watching vampire shows like twilight and some have even said they will go and see the vampire movie new moon.. it seems that some sisters have a fascination with vampires!!.
how do they justify watching what is clearly questionable entertainment while still attending meetings and going out on service?.
I know of a few JW's that had a Twilight themed party with dark candles, twilight posters, twilight cake, wine, and twilight shirts. These are people in their 20's and posted pics on their facebook account. It’s idolatry at its best.
Thinking of taking some classes
by EmptyInside ini'm still trying to figure things out here.
but,i do have a question for those that started college many years after high school.
how did you make the transition?
This fall semster has been my first time in college...Well, community college. I am in 2 classes on tuesday and wednesday nights from 6-9. It goes by really fast and I've met some great people too. The plus side about going at night is that the people are more mature than the daytime students. 90% of the student's in my class are in their late 20's on up. I wouldn't reccoment taking an online course until your second semester. Also community college is very affordable. It's not as intimidating as you think...well they first day is but after that it's great.
I figured if I spent 20 years going to 2 meeting a week at night plus all the studying for the meetings why can't I go to college and get something out of it.
Good Luck!
What are you Thankful for this year?
by lovelylil2 inin the spirit of thanksgiving, thought i ask what everyone is thankful for.. i am thankful for my family's good health and happiness, for the great friends i have, for my job that i absolutely love, for celebrating my 7th year of freedom this month from the wt publishing cult.. anyone else?.
I am thankful that I finally had the courage to enroll in my first semester of college....
I am thankful that my mom, sister, boyfriend, and friends are happy, healthy and in my life.
I am thankful that I found this website. It has really helped with all of the BS that the WT
has put me through growing up.
by is there help out there inif a person is born a luthern and then is baptized a christion.
then he or she becomes a jw and is then baptized a jw.
does is not mean he or she has daul religion.
I've heard that you have to write the church you used to go to and have the letter say something about you don't want to be recognized as a (lutheren, catholic, etc) and that you are now a JW. I could be wrong but that's what I've heard...
old friend trying to turn new hubby into JW
by lalaa inan old friend of mine stopped going to meetings about 6 years ago.
we stopped going around the same time.
she always told me how she had no interest in jw guys and had no intention of ever being married to one.
An old friend of mine stopped going to meetings about 6 years ago. We stopped going around the same time. She always told me how she had no interest in JW guys and had no intention of ever being married to one. Well in the last 6 years she got married and now has her husband studying with her JW father for the past year. She also goes to the occasional meeting but hasn't gone back full time. I asked her if she wants him to be a JW, she said "that's the plan". I really didn't ask any more questions since we are not close anymore but I find it amusing how she made it a point to get with a guy out of the truth and is now slowly trying to bring him into the truth. Yet she tells me that she will never hang out with people in the congregation and will still hang out with their worldly friends. I told her she can't have both and she should know that's not how it works....she just laughed.
I was just wondering how many of you know or have known of people that have left the truth only to come back married, and try, or have succeeded in bringing their new spouse into JW land?
Did you get drunk/take drugs as a witness?
by wouldacouldashoulda insmoked.
got drunk.
taken drugs (non medicinal).
When I was 19 I started to do my own thing. I started smoking....but it was the good stuff.
When I was 21 I started going to so called "witness" parties with the young people in the hall and surrounding congregations. Those parties were really, really crazy. Tons of beer, liquor, dirty dancing, people messing around, and a few hook ups that some people would try to deny.
The WT is turning out stupid children.
by is there help out there inwhen the children in the kh do not sit still they are taken in the back and spanked and acording to this report it lowers there iq.. .
jeanna bryner.
senior writer.
I agree with out at last!
The biggest problem with dubs having stupid children is they are home schooled by their stupid parents.
I had a friend in the hall growing up who was homeschooled. She never graduated but still had a graduation party. Never got her GED or went to college....Now she's 30 yrs old and doesn't make much $$$. Complains about her job and how she needs more money. She blames the economy as the reason that she can't get a good paying job when the real reason is her lack of education.
The Boring Life Of A Jehovah's Witness
by minimus inwhen you think back at how boring being a witness was, it's amazing that we lasted as long as we did.. i hear jws get sooo excited when they leave a tract with a person!
a stupid little tract!
or if a witness was asked to come into the same car that the circuit overseer was in, it would be considered such a "privilege".
"We're going out in Field Service, silly! Lots of people should be home and they should even have people over for cookouts. Lots of opportunity to tell them about Jehovah and the End."
UGH!!! I always hated going out in FS on holidays. It's so rude and tacky.