Ok Atalaya let me break this down for you:
Nobody said the society doesn't allow the women to preach.....That is firmly established. That is why it is hilarious that they demean women in every other way and then say "ok now ladies go and preach cause after all the women telling the good news is a large army.".......At the same time sisters are expected to go and preach to people they don't even know (which takes courage) and TEACH. Yet in the congregation they are viewed as second class citizens who are to be demure and quiet. They keep the women in fear by saying "be careful of a Jezebel influence" (which interestingly applies to both MEN and WOMEN yet always is applied to women). Women are told to be in subjection to their husbands and go go along with a decision even if they don't agree to help make it turn out okay......Just a couple of years ago there was an article about weddings and the good ole boys up in Brooklyn made it clear that the wedding is not the bride's day at all and the groom is to have the final say over decisions made.......They have told women to respect their rapists. I can just see Loesch taking it up the rear by some rapist and saying "Yes sir May I have another!!!" If you look at the articles in the early 80's when Women's Lib was really at its height the society totally downgraded feminism. They made it sound soooo unchristian. They have never been sensitive to women's issues. They might right now at the time period we live have softened a little bit but the underlying chauvinism is there and always will be. They say don't put your trust in men yet they qoute Paul's words of hatreds towards women as gold. I truly believe Jesus would be disgusted by their views on women and maybe go up to Bethel and overturn their tables.....