Sisters crying in the kitchen/lobby

by highdose 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • highdose

    years ago i was at the revamp of a kingdom hall. One of the sisters told me that since they got rid of the kitchen it was so much better, becuase there were always sisters out there crying! and now they have no place to go, so they just have to stay in the hall and listen to the meeting!

    it rang alarum bells for me at the time, also because i realised this was a regular thing at my hall too! Does anyone else remember this happening at theirs?

  • carla

    what were they crying about? in such a public place? had to be something pretty major, no?

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Yes we had that problem too. Some had genuine reasons to be out there crying, but there was the odd attention seeker that used to go marching out in full view of everyone sobbing.

  • wobble

    Every K.H had its Sister Blubalot, if not two.

    At ours,they used the toilet (washroom in euphemistic American)



  • Mattieu

    I used to see it all the time. I was in a twin hall complex with 4 congos sharing. if it wasn’t the kitchen it was in the mothers & babies room. A lot of it was ongoing personality/family disputes.

  • villabolo

    I saw it happen once. A young sister and schoolmate of mine had just finished making a comment at the meeting then she broke out crying. Her father escorted her out of the Kingdom Hall.


  • metaspy

    Since I stopped going to meetings, I have heard that my mother has taken up going into the break room to cry.

  • Lillith26

    and i thought people only cried in church at funerals???? arnt they suppost to be a happy place of worship????? I suppose, I'd cry too If I ever had sit through another meeting..... some of the studys are so depressing.... and the stares you get from some......

    I do remember seeing some really 'upset' faces in the KH the night they studied the bit in the appendix of the 'Remain in Joho's love' book about "how to treat a disfellowshipped person"- way to dredge up hurtfull memories and guilt people into treating others like crap! at the WTB!!!!! just

    that place is soooo messed up!

  • Mickey mouse
  • cantleave

    There was always a group of sisters who seemed to cry whenever "keep your eye on the prize was being sung" .......... I must admit that awful tune and appalling lyrics could drive anyone to tears .

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