Well I am not surprised. He is the one who started the thread seriously asking if women want to be objectied?........sorry but that clearly showed me he does not have thinking ability....as the answer to that should be a no brainer.....I feel like he is only able to see things from his point of view and never really look at the big picture. Just my two cents...whatever the case may be I wish him well.
JoinedPosts by meangirl
R.I.P George
by fade_away inif it wasn't an extremely late (or extremely early) april fools joke, our friend no room for george seems to have departed......from this website.
apparently falling victim to a devastating love bomb that claimed his ability of thinking for himself and his freedom of heart, mind, body and soul.
i was wondering if maybe in the future he will be on the convention stage in front of a couple thousand people talking about his "experience".
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
@ Garyneal: This topic is JW women in the org and how they have it. If you compare the life of a JW man and a JW woman, women definitely have it harder. You said society (not the society) men have it hard as they can't cry etc. I agree with that but we are talking with THE SOCIETY not in society. So everything I am saying is refering to life as a JW male/female as was the topic of this thread.
I find it incredibly sad that I have to debate the fact JW women have it much worse in the org. I am honestly baffled that some here just cannot see that. Again what is being done here by some debating the fact that JW women have it much worse than JW men is the same as saying that white people had it worse during the civil rights movement.....it does not make sense.
It is sad when you get out of an oppressive organization and think you have found others who truly care about justice and want to see all people treated fairly to find out that in fact chauvinism is very much alive on this board-this board where I was supposed to find enlightened people like myself.
Wow, I have been accussed of being a lesbian as I guess in exwhyzee's mind that was such an insult that further shows the kind of people on this board. The fact that the plight of women in the org is not taken seriously by all on this board just amazes me. These same ones felt something was wrong in the org and perhaps were mistreated and so they left only to come here on this board and not show compassion to those who there is no denying are so discriminated against in the org (women) that it should not even be a debate.
When you tell a human that they were created only to "compliment" another human and you constantly tell them they are to be submissive that is so much more of an injustice than telling someone they are to be the "head" and "lead". How could women in the org ever be managers, etc. when they are to allow their husband to make the decisions (except of course what to cook for dinner and what color to the paint kitchen)....If you can't see the injustice on that and how it does not compare to what JW men are put through.....well there is nothing more I can say to you.
To those who showed support and took the thread seriously, thank you. I still feel very hopeless as I left an org that tried to oppress me to another group of people where some sadly have that same attitude. Sometimes I wonder why some on this board even left.....
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
Oh and don't even compare circumcision of little boys to little girls, completely different. Again your ignorance is showing......pleae educate yourself. Thanks
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
Well, exwhyzee you can correct my spelling all day long but it is obvious you are the ignorant one as you still don't have the point of this thread.
ig·no·rant Adjective /'ign?r?nt/
1. Lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.
2. Lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something in particular:
Oh and I love how the lesbian jokes come up because I evidently must be a lesbian since I care about women's right. After all, all feminists are lesbians right?.......Sorry to burst your bubble. I have been happily married to my husband for 16 years. So joke if you must if it helps you feel better. I know dealing with your oppressive situation you gotta do what you gotta do to get by.....again my sympathies to you for being born a white male....hang in there llittle camper.
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
You now have gone from talking about how opperssed it was not being allowed to wear pants to the meeting and comparing it to barbaric female circumcision....with broken glass no less ! What brought that up.? What JW male would go along with a thing like that? Talk about going off on tangents.
Evidently enough JW men went along with it to the point that the mysoginstic governing body had a whole Awake dedicted to it basically persauding JW dads in other countries to stop mulitating their daughters....duh.
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
Exwhyzee, it is me, MEANGIRL, that brough up female circumcision and BANDONTHERUN that started the post. Get your facts straight, especially if you are going to quote people and blame them for saying things...... I brought up female circumcision because it is that same attitude/view of women that oppresses women at the hall and circumcises helpless little girls. It is the same attitude just differing degrees of how it is expressed. You still haven't admitted that women are treated worse in the org.....I am guessing you are an older white male.....completely clueless about reality. Go on and live in your little world where you are so mistreated. Again, go ahead and meet with a little girl who has been circumcised and share horror stories about discrimination......poor pitiful you.
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
Okay so stating facts is somehow "blaming".......hhhhhhhmmmmm I am not blaming anyone when I am relaying the setup of the JW org. The setup is women are to be in subjection plain and simple. They cannot teach in the KH. They cannot pray before the congregation. They can't wear pants. To sum it up they are oppressed. Just because you, exwhyzee, did not see anyone "purposely" mistreat a woman does not mean that it didn't happen. My point is the whole set up of the org is mistreating women. Whether it is on purpose or not. When in some cultures they circumcise their daughters with a piece of broken glass and hold her down and spread her legs and cut off her clitoris with no pain killer do you think the parents really think they are harming their daughter or helping her in the long run? Keeping her "pure" so in their culture they can marry her off?.......That little girl feels the pain whether her parents are "purposely" hurting her or not. When a black person states facts about the civil rights movement are they blaming white people or relaying facts? Funny how when women express the same sentiment they are suddenly blaming men........
Love the double standard. Prejudice is prejudice whether it be because of someone's skin color or genitals. It's all the same. Exwhyzee I am sure in your mind you think you have it all figured out but I am sorry you don't. Just admit that the society hates women and there is no excuse for how they are treated. It's very simple. You don't have to share your story of how hard it is to be a white male......Must be so difficult to be on top of the pecking order......like I said you have my sympathy. Maybe you can share your story of opression with a Muslim woman or a JW woman or a little girl who has just been circumcised. I am sure they can relate.......
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
Exwhyzee, I already said in previous posts on this thread that it is not right to put people in boxes and stereotype. I already said I disagreed with Bandontherun's statement about all JW men are low earners, etc. However, that was NOT the main point of the thread. The main point was how JW women need to get a backbone and stand up for themselves and quit putting up the obvious disdain and hatred the society has for them.
And yes I do think sisters have it bad and brothers have it made in the sense that in the JW religion men are kings and they rule. What a pity for you. I am so sorry that from the time you were born you were viewed as a leader and were given authority over another human. I am so sorry that you actually had a reason to get up and move around during the meetings and look important. I am so sorry that when you spoke at the hall people listened. I am so sorry that when you gave parts you got to face the audience with dignity and not lower yourself to face another brother in a chair as that is not really teaching like sisters do on the school. I am so sorry that your clothes were not constantly scrutinized by perverted brothers who get hard ons and wanted to blame you. I am so sorry that you were never viewed as a Jezebel. I am so sorry that you were constantly elevated because you have a penis.
I am white and I can look at my race and say you know what white people especially white MEN MOSTLY WHITE MEN have done alot of harm in the world. I watch Roots and I get so angry. I am not going to defend my race for its opression of other people and I have no leg to stand on when a person of color is complaining to me about racial intolerance and prejudice. I don't feel the need to interject my pity story of how hard it is to be a white woman because I am a big enough person to display empathy to others.
Why don't you look outside yourself and find it in your heart to think of what other people i.e. women have gone through in the organization. Put yourself in their place. How would you feel if it was pounded into your head that your weaker. That you must be submissive. That your only role in life is to be a "helper." That is such an injustice on so many levels. When you break someone's spirit and tell them constantly the only dignified role for you is a wife or mother and you have no other purpose it is so belittingly. Little girls in the org are told this from the time they are born. It is morally wrong.
Again yes the society treats all people like shit but like I said there is a special hatreds towards women in the org. Hell, they couldn't even touch the Sheperd the Flock book and bind it, I mean seriously. If you can't admit that, then I truly feel sorry for you as you are an EXTREMELY self centered person.
Racial prejudice is viewed as politically incorrect now. It was a long fight and yes racial prejudice still exists but only a true moron will vocal if they are prejudice now. Most try and hide it whereas not too long ago it was just fine to spew racial hatred and acceptable. Segregation was a way of life. It used to be acceptable to make fun of gay people but now most people realize that is politically incorrect. HOWEVER, IT IS STILL SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE TO STEREOTYPE WOMEN, MAKE DEGRADING COMMENTS, OBJECTIFY US AND JUDGE US SOLELY ON LOOKS. WE ARE STILL NOT GIVEN THE RESPECT AND DIGNITY WE DESERVE AS HUMAN BEINGS. THAT IS THE TRUTH AND RELIGIONS LIKE THE JW'S MAKE OUR STRUGGLE SO MUCH MORE DIFFICULT AS THEY JUSTIFY OPPRESSION OF WOMEN USING THE BIBLE. EVERY OTHER MINORITY HAS FOUGHT FOR THEIR CIVIC RIGHTS AND DAMMIT WOMEN DESERVE CIVIL RIGHTS AS WELL EVEN IN A RELIGIOUS ORGANZIATION. PERIOD. THAT IS IT!
AFTER baptism what happens next??
by trailerfitter inhi again,... yet another set of searching questions about the workings of the organisation from an outsider...hope you don't mind.
what happens to a member once baptised?
do they have a full personality removal and wt chip installed??
Wow such eloquent writing DagothUR..... Also I love how there is no stereotyping of "spiritual" sisters in your comment labeling them as all ugly and fat....wow. Now, you are writing from a complete male perspective as one who is baptized but it is trailerfitter's WIFE who is studying.....So trailerfitter as an ex ugly and fat spiritual JW "sister" as DagothUR referred to......let me tell you how it will be for your wife. The only "privilege" she can reach out for is to pioneer as she does not have the right plumbing (i.e. penis) to carry a microphone, conduct a field service meeting or anything else that would put her in a "teaching position." She will probably join the theocratic ministry school where it is perfectly acceptable for her to "teach" another sister as long as they are facing each other and not the congregation (even though the whole congregation is listening in and learning from what your wife is saying up on the stage). She will probably receive alot of attention because of the fact you are an "unbeliever" and everyone will love to listen to her tell how she is being "persecuted" by you. On the plus side since women have no rights in the org and you are her "husbandly owner" and "head" when she needs an excuse not to do something she can just say "my husband does not want me to do so and so." For example, in one of my old congregations there was a sister with an unbelieving mate and she loved to say during the field service meeting that he "will not allow her to go into "black neighborhoods"....even though she was really a racist pig and I think got a turn on by stirring the pot and having controversy.
So your wife will have the best of both worlds where at the hall she can be love bombed and get plenty of attention since you are "not in the truth" but she can also use you as an excuse not to attend certain functions if she does not want to etc. She will be expected to attend 2 meetings a week and be out in field service as much as possible but just remember you will be her "out" and excuse not to do as much as she can.
JW Women Self-0Loathing - Get a Back Bone
by Band on the Run inan earlier thread about pants suits for women led me on this tangent.
women make up the majorty of witnesses.
they cannot be suppressed without their acquiescene.
First let me say I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread as the subject really hits a nerve with me. The only thing I do find disappointing is the fact that this thread has turned into "men have it bad in the org too"........which is not the point of the thread. The only way I can express how I am feeling is if this thread was about racial prejudice and the OP expressed a very personal story of how they were treated very badly because of their skin color since it was dark and then a bunch of white posters came in and said oh yeah well it is hard being white.......blah blah blah and that white people can be a victim of prejudice too blah blah blah. I just don't understand why some posters just can't say yep the org treats women horribly and there is no excuse for it. Quit telling me your pity story of how hard it is to be groomed from birth to be a successful male in the org. If you want to do that start your own thread, just saying as that completely negates the main point of the OP's thread anyway.