@ N.Drew:
"What does a 15 year old female want? Few 15 year olds know what they want."
EXACTLY! So what business does a 20 year old MAN have even viewing a 15 year old as a wife and mother and brainwashing her to believe that is her sole purpose in life? If some 20 year old man tried to make my 15 year old daughter a wife and mother.....hmmmmmm he would go to jail. Because it is wrong.
"I think my point is age is relative."-Uh no that is why there are laws......
Would you have been happy if some 20 year old MAN was eyeing your 15 year old daughter to marry?.......
" Imagine one of the very young girls on the street whose pimp is selling her as young as 10 years old. Would not that be her ultimate dream that someone might teach her how wonderful the role of wife and mother might be?"
Uh, I imagine her dream would be to get off of the street and quit being used for sex and abused by her pimp. Maybe her dream would be to go to college and have a profession. Maybe after years of her body not being her own perhaps the idea of being a mom just doesn't appeal to her? How can you even try to justify yourself with this reasoning? I mean really.
"Dear meangirl, why do you look at the dark side of the story?"
Funny, brainwashed JW's ask "apostates" that all the time. If being honest and facing reality is looking at the dark side then guilty as charged. The older I get the more I see that the saying "Ignorance is bliss" is so true.
N. Drew I am sure you are a nice person but I just canot justify pedophilia. It's wrong. It's unhealthy. Sorry but this is one issue I will not bend on.